Time for a real Internet highway (?)

I'd be very interested in what folks here think of this:




I'd be very interested in what folks here think of this:
I think it's a news.com.com.com URL, and therefore most likely not
very worth opening, much less reading.

I'm very interested in why you didn't bother at least summarizing
the story as a general courtesy to folks here.


              The only thing necessary for the triumph
              of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

I'd be very interested in what folks here think of this:

I think it's a news.com.com.com URL, and therefore most likely not
very worth opening, much less reading.

I'm very interested in why you didn't bother at least summarizing
the story as a general courtesy to folks here.


Sorry...I didn't realize that was the protocol.

From the article:

"We already have our highway system and our electricity. Time has come for our broadband. It's a utility. We now need broadband to live, work, recreate and even make a profit. Whether in Palo Alto, Calif., or Cavalier, N.D., we need our broadband. Many local areas of America are attacking the need for broadband ubiquity, but perhaps it's time for a national program."


All I can see are two actual arguments for government intervention in
the Internet. First is that they already grabbed all sorts of other
important utilities so why not grab this one. Patently absurd even if
they had demonstrated any sort of special competence in the areas they
already meddle with. Prove your case based on the requirements of this
industry, not a sheep follows sheep rule.

Second seems to be that the area that he grew up in that survived
hundreds of years without electricity got electicity a few years before
the market could bring it in. Big deal. What does that prove?
Perhaps he still doesn't have Internet access when he goes home to
visit the folks and thinks that it should be a right for everyone.
Utter hogwash!

I won't even go into the issue of which government should take it
over. I assume that he thinks that the US government is the only
entity that should run the Internet.

Sorry, content free article.