
Anyone care to take a stab at what places a provider in
a given "tier-group"? Seems to me as though the large(st)
providers are a bit harsher (naturally) than the smaller

Danny (just wondering)

In my conference presentations on this subject, I divide Internet service
providers into three categories based on peering relationships:

1) The True Peer Backbones are those ISPs that carry the bulk of the
Internet access traffic, run default free, and expect everyone else to buy
transit from themselves or another True Peer.

2) The Near Peer Networks are ISPs that are trying to complete their
peering agreements but are getting default transit somewhere. The Pseudo
Peer Networks are running those thin no-money-down ATM "backbones" and are
mostly web farmers pretending to be backbones or former bandwidth resellers
that are trying to move from paying for transit to free peering.

3) The Bandwidth Resellers, many of whom are former PC BBS sysops, system
integrators or computer retailers cum local ISPs, have a legitimate
business buying T1s and T3s and reselling frame relay and T1s and dial access.

A True Peer is any backbone that all the other True Peers consider a peer.
I know it's circular, but it works in Hollywood. The bandwidth resellers
don't have a beef with the True Peers since they and the True Peers are
playing by the same rules (few big default-free transit backbones and lots
of resellers).

It's the Near Peers, playing by the same rules as the True Peers and
Resellers, that are building infrastructure and backbones, trying to become
True Peers and these worry the True Peers as emerging competition and more
routing work.

The Pseudo Peers try to appear as worthy Peers and get the True Peers in a
snit, because they view the Pseudo Peers as parasites, never meaning to
build backbones, sucking away their rightful web hosting clients and local
access customers with reseller prices.


Agreed. To sum it up:

It seems that the general use of 'tiers' is based on who carries a
network's IP traffic.
.A first tier provider does not purchase transit from anyone
.A second tier provider buys from a first tier
.A third tier provider buys from a second tier provider and so on...

generally there are a few first tiers who peer at many locations and many
second tiers who are at one or two IXs and have a transit agreement, and
zillions of people who buy T1s and T3s and resell.

Agreed. To sum it up:

It seems that the general use of 'tiers' is based on who carries a
network's IP traffic.
.A first tier provider does not purchase transit from anyone

Purchase, or exchange. I.E. I was getting some transit from a customer,
but I did not pay for it. So to be a first tier your routes must only be
announced by you, and no other AS. I am not sure if CIX should count or
not. Netrail was using CIX to get to 1 provider that was not peering, we
now have peering with them, and are going to kill our CIX connection. I am
not sure if this should count as being a tier one or not. It soon will
not be a issue because MCI, UUNET, ANS, Sprint, Netrail and others are
pulling from CIX.

.A second tier provider buys from a first tier

Yes, but they also may have NAP connection, and may even have a nationwide
backbone. There are many second tier providers who have nationwide DS3
networks, and peer at many naps, but still have a small amount of transit
to get to places they can't get peering setup with. Most of them want to
be first tier, but should not be counted.

.A third tier provider buys from a second tier provider and so on...

generally there are a few first tiers who peer at many locations and many
second tiers who are at one or two IXs and have a transit agreement, and
zillions of people who buy T1s and T3s and resell.

Nathan Stratton President, NetRail,Inc.