
Message: 6

Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 07:10:54 -0400
From: Dorn Hetzel <>
Subject: thoughts?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Are you ready for the big Internet crunch? -

I'm not sure what these "IP Addresses" are that they speak of. But can't we have the government just print more?

Charles Bronson

I'm not sure what these "IP Addresses" are that they speak of. But can't we have the government just print more?

We have to kick ICANN out of the picture and let the UN and ITU figure
what to do ...

Naw, they can't do that, silly.

They will set up an exchange where you can buy address credits from
undeveloped nations.

Wal-Mart's got a 24 pack on sale for $9.99!

We are missing the point.

The Administration will, as it has so ably done in the Carbon Dioxide
emergency, declare the the IP layer a hazardous zone and institute taxes
to make the costs skyrocket, thereby reducing usage.

[Note to list nannies: I know. I had stopped. I let several beautiful
openings go by un-used. But this one had to be addressed. I'll try
very hard to resist.]

If some one from the government comes to take your IP address from you, shoot
them in the head.

Paraphrasing G. Gordon Liddy :slight_smile: