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Nanog is encapsulating messages that are DKIM signed. Your mailer may
not be properly handling

  Content-Type: message/rfc822
  Content-Disposition: inline


Ah. Security hole as designed. inline dispositions should be ignored unless the recipient specifically "requests" to see them after viewing the text/plain part. In fact, I would vote for ignoring *everything* except the text/plain part unless the recipient specifically requests it after viewing the text/plain part. No test/plain? Delete without further ado.

In the past year or so it seems that all RAA Verification emails, or
at least the ones I see, contain no plain text. :frowning:

-Jim P.

I'm surprised. I have set Thunderbird to view messages in plain text only. I get a number of messages that have only one line: "Please view this email in your browser."


(My brother doesn't like this. He's a process chemist, so he needs to use HTML mail to send most business traffic so that formulas and equations are sent properly. I had to remove my HTML-only filter in order to receive his e-mails. Then he set up a GMail account because others were also filtering on HTML-only. Go figure. Before you ask, I have not put that filter back...)

No test/plain? Delete without further ado.

Sadly, it is no longer 1998.


>> No test/plain? Delete without further ado.

Sadly, it is no longer 1998.

No kidding. Web-Page e-mail. Lots of proprietary executable-embedded-in-data file formats used for e-mail, and worst, gratuitous JavaScript everywhere making the Web unuseable unless you disable all security (or just refuse to deal with the schmucks that do that).