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I love spam from Honduras. I am hoping that someone is going to kick this
email from the members list.

I'm hoping for something a tad more drastic. The bozo has an upstream, and this
is NANOG. :slight_smile:

Back when I was at Berkeley, we used to punish offenders by routing
their packets out to Finland and back (before Finland's net admins
figured out what we were doing and quite rightly complained).

Does anyone have a very lightly used, long long low bandwidth link
they can dedicate to The Cause?

Null0 / discard? That's pretty low-bandwidth.


I'm thinking wire cutters would be more effective.


No, no, no no.

The objective is to maximize wasted spammer time. The trick is to not
just disconnect them - that happens every day, they just move on.
It's to make their life irritating, painful, and less productive, to
the point where time they'd be spending getting new business and
working on new anti-filtering technology is spent corresponding with
net providers and doing network quality checks, wondering if they
should or have to bail out of a now flaky network. With just the
right mixture, you can waste five, ten, twenty times more of their
time with a carefully engineered glitch than you can just chopping
them off.

They've already factored wire cutters in; raise the bar.

George Herbert <> writes:

Actually, wouldn't source/dest tuple based balancing be even more interesting? Or perhaps a combination of both!

Another way would be to route via a Vyatta router and configure packet corruption:

  set qos-policy network-emulator BadPackets packet-corruption 10%


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Reminds me of the cmd.exe CGI PERL script I wrote once...

I noticed I was constantly getting people trying to execute CMD.EXE on my
linux web server. So, instead of filling up my logs with 404s, I wrote a little
PERL script to send them a copy of the compiled 64-bit linux kernel
one octet at a time with 5 seconds between octets. It truly amazed me
how many of the bots would sit there patiently receiving dribs and drabs
of traffic until the entire 8+Mbyte kernel was transmitted.


Does anyone have a very lightly used, long long low bandwidth link
they can dedicate to The Cause?

Dummynet. One cheap PC, two NICs, roll your own, as long as you like. I've had fake circuits running with 2s RTT, applications keep doing their thing, just very slowly.
