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It's hammer time

Do not pass Go.
Do not collect $200.

Collaborate & Listen

David Barak
Need Geek Rock? Try The Franchise:

in the name of love

, drop, and roll?


Making sense?


the insanity.


Draggin my heart around.

around the world in 80 days...

Jay Murphy
IP Network Specialist
NM Department of Health
ITSD - IP Network Operations
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502
Bus. Ph.: 505.827.2851

"We move the information that moves your world."

I once had a legitimate difficulty and posted to this list as a
direct result. As I was moderated at the time, my post was denied
with the provided reason that it was not appropriate for this
list. An attempt to identify the source ISP of a troublesome IP
was not "appropriate" but the below (and etc.) is?

Still, still, exercising undue discipline - unlike others. ?

Laughing at me. You make me cry on the inside.