"Third Level" domains patented?

According to the article, somebody maanged to patent the selling of
www.something.somethng.com. Which seems a bit assanine to me, since the
ISP I worked for in 1993 offered custoemrs www.customer.ccnet.com.

As much as I dislike Verisign, this is silly.

Agreed. Here is some of my prior art from 1996
and I may have mentioned it even earlier than this.
I also consulted for the GNR during their application
for the .NAME registry so there is a direct connection
between the idea published in 1996 and the current
.NAME registry which is the subject of the Verisign

--Michael Dillon

According to the article, somebody maanged to patent the selling of
www.something.somethng.com. Which seems a bit assanine to me, since the
ISP I worked for in 1993 offered custoemrs www.customer.ccnet.com.

Uh, no, that's not what the article said and it's not what the patent,
which is linked from the article, says. The patent is on the tiny
tweak of selling matching e-mail addresses and domains (it says URLs
but their examples show domains) of the form argle@bargle.tld and

I agree that's obvious and trivial, and there's debatably prior art
from about 1980 in the way that the contact address is encoded in an
SOA DNS record, but it's not about selling third level domains per se.

John Levine wrote:

According to the article, somebody maanged to patent the selling of
www.something.somethng.com. Which seems a bit assanine to me, since the
ISP I worked for in 1993 offered custoemrs www.customer.ccnet.com.
Uh, no, that's not what the article said and it's not what the patent,
which is linked from the article, says. The patent is on the tiny
tweak of selling matching e-mail addresses and domains (it says URLs
but their examples show domains) of the form argle@bargle.tld and

iki.fi has been doing exactly this since late 1997. (at least, maybe even earlier)


We have been doing the same thing since 1995.


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