The Verge article about Verizon's Sandy Cleanup Efforts in Manhattan

I saw this on Reddit and thought it was fascinating. I figured I'd share it here too since no one else did.


hey lookie! 'free uprades'!

also, one wonders what the bill is for such upgrades, and what the
implications are for state-run-disaster relief vs
national-level-disaster-relief? Also, how much of the VZ issue (phone
stuff) is going to end up being caught in VZ's financials vs
disaster-relief-funds ?


From: Christopher Morrow []
> Into the vault: the operation to rescue Manhattan's drowned internet - The Verge
> anhattan-hurricane-sandy

hey lookie! 'free uprades'!

[WEG] Better that than "we're going to replace all of this old technology with exactly the same stuff because that's what the standards document says to do" like happened in the rebuilding efforts for Katrina. I remember someone presenting about that rebuilding effort during NANOG years ago, and I asked about opportunities for improvement and upgrades and was really depressed at the missed opportunity it represented as they confirmed that they were in fact laying new copper...

Wes George

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yea. it's acutally kinda nice that at least from CO -> building now
there maybe more highspeed links... and maybe lower long term costs?

Also, now VZ can sell the copper to all the rest of us for use in
fiber camouflage!

From: Christopher Morrow []

Into the vault: the operation to rescue Manhattan's drowned internet - The Verge

hey lookie! 'free uprades'!

[WEG] Better that than "we're going to replace all of this old technology with exactly the same stuff because that's what the standards document says to do" like happened in the rebuilding efforts for Katrina. I remember someone presenting about that rebuilding effort during NANOG years ago, and I asked about opportunities for improvement and upgrades and was really depressed at the missed opportunity it represented as they confirmed that they were in fact laying new copper...

yea. it's acutally kinda nice that at least from CO -> building now
there maybe more highspeed links... and maybe lower long term costs?

Also, now VZ can sell the copper to all the rest of us for use in
fiber camouflage!

1200 pair is 5.5lbs per foot. That's somewhere in the neighborhood of $100k per mile at retail scrap prices.

Be careful of what you wish for...., Yes, you get fiber from the CO to the Building... however there is also a very big side-effect...
Verizon is not obligated to provide equal access to Competitive providers (CLECs) on this Fiber....

Thus, you are also looking a significantly reduced competition..... which is very likely to equate to a higher cost for end users.


Faisal Imtiaz
Snappy Internet & Telecom

right, so in the end vz gets what it wants... a return to monopoly.

conspiracy theories about verizon starting the floods?

The pressure on the regulatory front doesn't increase until the pain becomes acute...

No Conspiracy theories... just the simple facts on where things stand, based on current regulatory environment.
(I / We have no horse in this race....)

Faisal Imtiaz
Snappy Internet & Telecom.

Not having yet read the piece, I assume the "upgrades" are the same thing
that you'd get if you tried, today, to warranty a 5 year old 250GB Seagate
HD: They'd send you a 750G or 1T, simply because they don't have anything
smaller in stock. (If your system is embedded, and won't talk to larger
drives, their apologies. :slight_smile:

It's likely the same thing happens here: we don't have that older gear,
so you get the newer stuff with our compliments.

-- jra

apologies, I forgot the emoticons after my last comment. i really did
mean it in jest... I don't think VZ has harnessed
weather-changing-powers. (yet).

No Worries, some of us here are players in the arena, and some of us are spectators....
it is going to be interesting and fascinating at the same time to see how things develop.

Faisal Imtiaz

Christopher Morrow wrote:

apologies, I forgot the emoticons after my last comment. i really did mean it in jest... I don't think VZ has harnessed weather-changing-powers. (yet).

Well, they ARE The Phone Company!

And they do have those towers all over the country...

Makes me want to watch "The President's Analyst" again :wink:


Justin M. Streiner wrote:

I alway go for WKRP