Isn't the argument of the non-default routing tables growing by an
additional 13 entries or not is specious noise? The routing bucket is
leaking through bloody great open chasms and we are wondering about
the incremental damage throuigh a pinhole!

The more critical issue in this conversation is the assumption that
the Internet world has so completely transformed itself into a
classless world capable of full permeation of /32 routes that we can
push the DNS root name servers off the classfull cliff. I know we've
tried the experiment with the 39 prefix, but I for one am not happy
with the robustness of this assumption in today's Internet.



Isn't the argument of the non-default routing tables growing by an
additional 13 entries or not is specious noise? The routing bucket is
leaking through bloody great open chasms and we are wondering about
the incremental damage throuigh a pinhole!

The 13 additional entries are not the issue. The issue is one of
setting a bad high-profile example.

Any suggestions for closing the open chasms in the routing

- Havard

Gather weekly stats of top 10 worst offenders (ala Tony's old list) and ask
Bob Metcalfe to publish them in his rag? He did say he wanted to help..

