the group

Any chance of there being a newsgroup format made available, so I can skip
past all the philosophy, religion, politics and other non NOG messages?

Brian "Sonic" Whalen
Success = Preparation + Opportunity

The thread based index at:

is reasonable...

I wouldn't consider gatewaying nanog into usenet land (even one way) to be
the world most constructive exercise...


I wouldn't consider gatewaying nanog into usenet land (even one way) to be
the world most constructive exercise...

I do. I read NANOG in a private local newsgroup. It only works one-way --
to post, I have to send mail to and so my address has to be
entered on the nanog-post list. KILL files are wonderful. /etc/aliases says:

local-mail-net-nanog: |"/news/local/mailpost -d local"

i've put a copy of "mailpost" at it's
really a perl script, 324 lines long, written by me back in 1992 or so.

Brian Whalen <> writes:

Any chance of there being a newsgroup format made available, so I can skip
past all the philosophy, religion, politics and other non NOG messages?

I do this locally, privately, in a non-feedable manner, with inn and
cistron-m2n( ).
I've gone to this for all of my high volume mailling lists.

Another route is to read mail in gnus, with fancy splitting.


I'd love to see a Usenet version of this group. One of the groups I
frequent (the groupstudy cert lists), has the ability to post two way via
mail/web/nntp. I really like the NNTP format, keeps a lot of mail off my HD
and makes it much easier to follow old threads.

You and others here probably already know this trick, but you might be able to
get automatic echoes if you use the list address as the moderator of the
newsgroup, such that replies are forwarded to the moderator address rather
than being posted. Might also need to massage the outbound message so that it
strips off unwanted NNTP headers.

You and others here probably already know this trick, but you might be able
to get automatic echoes if you use the list address as the moderator of the
newsgroup, such that replies are forwarded to the moderator address rather
than being posted. Might also need to massage the outbound message so that it
strips off unwanted NNTP headers.

A bidirectional mail/news gateway is lots harder than what I use for NANOG.
In addition to the above concerns, there's a need for the "mail side" to keep
its own message-id history for round-the-horn duplicate suppression. This is
how the <=> comp.protocols.dns.std gateway works,
for example. (The news -> mail direction is moderated, first by ISC and then
by Randy as are all postings to namedroppers.)

However, for my private NANOG newsgroup I prefer that followups just silently
die. Any local user of my nnrp server who can't figure out that they need to
use e-mail to post to NANOG, probably ought not be posting to NANOG :-).

I wouldn't consider gatewaying nanog into usenet land (even one way) to
be the world most constructive exercise...

I do. I read NANOG in a private local newsgroup.

i think joel meant not gating nanog to the real usenet, and was not
commenting on private use of usenet tools. i agree with not gating
it to the real usenet. wouldn't want to pollute the usenet. :slight_smile:


You and others here probably already know this trick, but you might be able to
get automatic echoes if you use the list address as the moderator of the
newsgroup, such that replies are forwarded to the moderator address rather
than being posted. Might also need to massage the outbound message so that it
strips off unwanted NNTP headers.

That's what I do, and it works well. I agree with others that it
might work a lot less well if I had multiple peered servers.

Joel Jaeggli wrote:

The thread based index at:

is reasonable...

All web based crap that can't deal with killfiles, ignore threads, etc, etc,

I wouldn't consider gatewaying nanog into usenet land (even one way) to be
the world most constructive exercise...

Huh? Nobody's talking about that.

I think the suggestion was to expose NANOG as a on its own news
server, like so many other high volume mailing lists have done.

Completely different things.

You want to make the list into a *newsgroup*?
Heh. And you think there's a problem with off-topic posts /now/...

I've rarely seen a .sig that matched the body of a mail so well.