The *.com/robots.txt

I've found inconsistencies in search engines mainly with domain name
having transient status. Such dn inherit a new IP , the *.com IP ( the
sitefinder IP).

And sitefinder itself has its own inconsistency:

Here an example using Nestscape or Mozilla (my IE6 config gives
other results).

That gives a link in
Did You Mean ?
We did find these similar Web addresses.

And now searching with sitefinder

If VeriSign sitefinder doesnt take care of this case, what can we
wait with other search engines ?

The query :

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

is also a false answer that can confuse lot of http agents
for simple example, sites with dn in REDEMPTIONPERIOD can be
suppressed or blacklisted from search engines indexes for a while.

Because nobody knows already all the side effects
I'm not sure having a robots.txt here is the best choice.

On the other hand SE indexes can keep undefinitively no (more) existent sites
without the *.com/robots.txt

Possibly the *.com redirect will give us other surprises with search engines.

Guy Coslado. Bots & Smart Agents
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