The Cidr Report

Hmm, The USDA seems to be very active of late.
CIDR Police (and UUnet) where are you?

ASnum NetsNow NetsAggr NetGain % Gain Description

Feb 07

AS4151 345 71 274 79.4% USDA-1 USDA

March 14

AS4151 535 109 426 79.6% USDA-1 USDA

April 11

AS4151 691 75 616 89.1% USDA-1 USDA

May 09

AS4151 1083 77 1006 92.9% USDA-1 USDA

SBC also seems to be moving up rapidly from out of nowhere.

ASnum NetsNow NetsAggr NetGain % Gain Description

April 11

AS7132 802 414 388 48.4% SBIS-AS SBC Internet Services

May 09

SBCIS recently migrated 10 LATAs in California to AS7132.
Clean-up maintenance windows are in the works btw.


We're here, name differences notwithstanding.

We do counsel our customers to set no-export on their more-specifics,
and we're happy to show them how or set it up for them. When I see
customers on the CIDR report, I make sure they get a phone call to
explain why aggregation is good and how we can help.


   Hmm, The USDA seems to be very active of late.
CIDR Police (and UUnet) where are you?

First email sent to USDA Feb 2001 when they had 277 prefixes. No answer ever to any emails. I tried their upstream - UUnet - also with little success. :frowning:
