The Cidr Report

This report has been generated at Fri Nov 1 21:44:58 2002 AEST.
The report analyses the BGP Routing Table of an AS4637 (Reach) router
and generates a report on aggregation potential within the table.

Check for a current version of this report.

Recent Table History
        Date Prefixes CIDR Agg
        25-10-02 114752 82664
        26-10-02 115193 82582
        26-10-02 115135 82541
        28-10-02 115001 82653
        29-10-02 115335 82760
        30-10-02 115374 82790
        31-10-02 115340 82890
        01-11-02 115442 82880

AS Summary
         13957 Number of ASes in routing system
          5465 Number of ASes announcing only one prefix
          1748 Largest number of prefixes announced by an AS
                AS701 : ALTERNET-AS UUNET Technologies, Inc.
      73146368 Largest address span announced by an AS (/32s)
                AS568 : SUMNET-AS DISO-UNRRA

Aggregation Summary
The algorithm used in this report proposes aggregation only
when there is a precise match using the AS path, so as
to preserve traffic transit policies. Aggregation is also
proposed across non-advertised address space ('holes').

--- 01Nov02 ---
ASnum NetsNow NetsAggr NetGain % Gain Description

Table 115457 82891 32566 28.2% All ASes

AS3908 1076 564 512 47.6% SUPERNETASBLK SuperNet, Inc.
AS701 1748 1265 483 27.6% ALTERNET-AS UUNET
                                               Technologies, Inc.
AS7843 782 330 452 57.8% ADELPHIA-AS Adelphia Corp.
AS2828 487 112 375 77.0% XO-AS15 XO Communications
AS6197 457 100 357 78.1% BATI-ATL BellSouth Network
                                               Solutions, Inc
AS7018 1344 993 351 26.1% ATT-INTERNET4 AT&T WorldNet
AS4323 516 181 335 64.9% TW-COMM Time Warner
                                               Communications, Inc.
AS18566 337 4 333 98.8% COVAD Covad Communications
AS1221 1196 873 323 27.0% ASN-TELSTRA Telstra Pty Ltd
AS209 629 336 293 46.6% ASN-QWEST Qwest
AS7046 585 299 286 48.9% UUNET-CUSTOMER UUNET
                                               Technologies, Inc.
AS6347 354 82 272 76.8% DIAMOND SAVVIS Communications
AS4355 388 127 261 67.3% ERMS-EARTHLNK EARTHLINK, INC
AS4151 330 89 241 73.0% USDA-1 USDA
AS705 441 202 239 54.2% ASN-ALTERNET UUNET
                                               Technologies, Inc.
AS1239 887 662 225 25.4% SPRINTLINK Sprint
AS6198 403 180 223 55.3% BATI-MIA BellSouth Network
                                               Solutions, Inc
AS852 689 467 222 32.2% ASN852 Telus Advanced
AS1 655 437 218 33.3% GNTY-1 Genuity
AS4814 233 15 218 93.6% CHINANET-BEIJING-AP China
                                               Telecom (Group)Beijing
                                               Telecom CompanyBeijing China
AS7132 281 71 210 74.7% SBIS-AS Southwestern Bell
                                               Internet Services
AS6140 263 65 198 75.3% IMPSAT-USA ImpSat USA, Inc.
AS17557 320 122 198 61.9% PKTELECOM-AS-AP APNIC ASN
AS22927 216 20 196 90.7% AR-TEAR2-LACNIC TELEFONICA DE
AS6595 248 57 191 77.0% DODDSEUR DoD Education
                                               Activity Network Assistance
AS17676 226 35 191 84.5% GIGAINFRA APNIC ASN block
AS690 517 331 186 36.0% MERIT-AS-27 Merit Network Inc.
AS4134 296 114 182 61.5% ERX-CHINALINK Data
                                               Communications Bureau
AS2048 265 88 177 66.8% LANET-1 State of Louisiana
AS2548 403 244 159 39.5% ICIX-MD-AS Business Internet,

Total 16572 8465 8107 48.9% Top 30 total

Please see for the full report