The Cidr Report

This report has been generated at Fri Oct 18 21:45:11 2002 AEST.
The report analyses the BGP Routing Table of an AS4637 (Reach) router
and generates a report on aggregation potential within the table.

Check for a current version of this report.

Recent Table History
        Date Prefixes CIDR Agg
        11-10-02 114611 82522
        12-10-02 114687 82431
        13-10-02 114551 82294
        14-10-02 114344 82657
        15-10-02 114786 82675
        16-10-02 114805 82681
        17-10-02 114726 82664
        18-10-02 114704 82837

Possible Bogus Routes AS3215 AS3215 France Telecom Transpac

AS Summary
         13878 Number of ASes in routing system
          5410 Number of ASes announcing only one prefix
          1759 Largest number of prefixes announced by an AS
                AS701 : ALTERNET-AS UUNET Technologies, Inc.
      73212160 Largest address span announced by an AS (/32s)
                AS568 : SUMNET-AS DISO-UNRRA

Aggregation Summary
The algorithm used in this report proposes aggregation only
when there is a precise match using the AS path, so as
to preserve traffic transit policies. Aggregation is also
proposed across non-advertised address space ('holes').

--- 18Oct02 ---
ASnum NetsNow NetsAggr NetGain % Gain Description

Table 115049 82849 32200 28.0% All ASes

AS7132 591 68 523 88.5% SBIS-AS Southwestern Bell
                                               Internet Services
AS3908 1059 554 505 47.7% SUPERNETASBLK SuperNet, Inc.
AS701 1759 1284 475 27.0% ALTERNET-AS UUNET
                                               Technologies, Inc.
AS7843 756 324 432 57.1% ADELPHIA-AS Adelphia Corp.
AS7018 1352 996 356 26.3% ATT-INTERNET4 AT&T WorldNet
AS4323 518 181 337 65.1% TW-COMM Time Warner
                                               Communications, Inc.
AS1221 1201 878 323 26.9% ASN-TELSTRA Telstra Pty Ltd
AS18566 313 4 309 98.7% COVAD Covad Communications
AS852 737 458 279 37.9% ASN852 Telus Advanced
AS6347 346 77 269 77.7% DIAMOND SAVVIS Communications
AS4355 385 128 257 66.8% ERMS-EARTHLNK EARTHLINK, INC
AS7046 578 342 236 40.8% UUNET-CUSTOMER UUNET
                                               Technologies, Inc.
AS209 569 337 232 40.8% ASN-QWEST Qwest
AS1239 879 661 218 24.8% SPRINTLINK Sprint
AS1 651 434 217 33.3% GNTY-1 Genuity
AS705 443 226 217 49.0% ASN-ALTERNET UUNET
                                               Technologies, Inc.
AS4814 229 15 214 93.4% CHINANET-BEIJING-AP China
                                               Telecom (Group)
AS4151 292 88 204 69.9% USDA-1 USDA
AS22927 215 20 195 90.7% AR-TEAR2-LACNIC TELEFONICA DE
AS6595 249 56 193 77.5% DODDSEUR DoD Education
                                               Activity Network Assistance
AS17676 224 34 190 84.8% GIGAINFRA APNIC ASN block
AS4134 297 113 184 62.0% ERX-CHINALINK Data
                                               Communications Bureau
AS17557 301 121 180 59.8% PKTELECOM-AS-AP APNIC ASN
AS6140 256 77 179 69.9% IMPSAT-USA ImpSat USA, Inc.
AS2048 262 88 174 66.4% LANET-1 State of Louisiana
AS6197 395 226 169 42.8% BATI-ATL BellSouth Network
                                               Solutions, Inc
AS690 517 350 167 32.3% MERIT-AS-27 Merit Network Inc.
AS6198 395 229 166 42.0% BATI-MIA BellSouth Network
                                               Solutions, Inc
AS1791 185 21 164 88.6% SPRINTLINK3 Sprint Government
                                               Systems Division
AS2548 426 266 160 37.6% ICIX-MD-AS Business Internet,

Total 16380 8656 7724 47.2% Top 30 total

Please see for the full report