Thanks to all--medical emergency under control

Subj: Re: Thanks to all--medical emergency under control

I think the way we would handle privacy issues here is that if we received
such a request to locate one of our customers, we would pass the customers
location information directly to local law enforcement along with the
request we had received. This way, the requestor cannot use such a claim
to learn private information of our customer, but yet our local cops could
provide assistance if it's really required...

This would be great if the Police didn't use radios that everyone has
scanners for. This is the same as cracking - if you can prompt a
legitatimate query which creates a legitimate response then you can
snoop the session.

...until the police finally get better radios. Apologies to those of you
who live in countries where the police have caught on to this.

  I think I would be willing to take that risk. Life is not
  perfect and I cannot prevent every possible leak of data;
  someone could break into our offices and steal all the computers
  and the information on it; they could do it with guns and shoot
  all my employees too; this doesn't mean I won't keep any
  computers or information in my office...

  If I give information to the police and they manage to lose
  control of it, it is unfortunate, but I would just have to
  consider it outside the scope of what I have available worry
  cycles for...
