Thailand Internet firewall?


Is anyone aware whether or not Thailand has a centralized firewall on Internet access?

We've had reports from several folks in Thailand that they are unable to get to some IP addresses in our network (this problem is reproducible on the Thailand sites as well).

It seems to only be from Thailand, and only certain IPs on our network

Does anyone know how to contact whoever is responsible for this firewall system to find out at the very least why this block is in place?


Thai SPs are required by law to block sites deemed objectionable by the government of Thailand; common reasons given include lese majeste and/or other materials deemed injurious to 'national security'.

Thailand's Ministry of Information & Computer Technology is the relevant governmental bureau - their Web site may be found here:


As all this sort of thing is considered a sensitive subject in Thailand, it's doubtful you'll get a response, IMHO.

Thai SPs are required by law to block sites deemed objectionable by the government of Thailand; common reasons given include lese majeste and/or other materials deemed injurious to 'national security'.


When I was in thailand the (my guess) URL inspection box was behaving badly and a substantial amount of TCP/80 connection attempts was failing. Using SSH tunneling to get out of Thailand made things behave much better becaus established tcp connections (even on 80) wasn't a problem, it was establishing new connections that was troublesome.

As all this sort of thing is considered a sensitive subject in Thailand, it's doubtful you'll get a response, IMHO.

+1 as well. There are two things you don't do in thailand, you don't ever say or do anything bad towards the king, and you don't do drugs. So since the filters are there to protect the king, it's a sensitive subject.

Is anyone aware whether or not Thailand has a centralized firewall on
Internet access?

think of it as more like a monopoly telco with ties to the government

We've had reports from several folks in Thailand that they are unable
to get to some IP addresses in our network (this problem is
reproducible on the Thailand sites as well).

yes, sites are being blocked.

It seems to only be from Thailand, and only certain IPs on our network

yes, it is by specific ip addresses

Does anyone know how to contact whoever is responsible for this
firewall system to find out at the very least why this block is in

read your newspaper


It's not only now, they've been blocking badtalking the king for quite a while. I was also under the impression that it wasn't by IP but that they could block specific youtube videos etc.

They use a combination of IP blocking, DNS poisoning, and transparent HTTP proxy-based URL filtering.


boo on regimes that block internetz


> I was also under the impression that it wasn't by IP but that they could block specific youtube videos etc.

They use a combination of IP blocking, DNS poisoning, and transparent HTTP proxy-based URL filtering.

I like to call them 'translucent proxies'.