testing sprint

The question is, does sprint.net have the balls to terminate Sprint long
distance for spamming?


The question is, does sprint.net have the balls to terminate Sprint long
distance for spamming?


But then I'd miss out on my free motorola two-way radios, or whatever
the latest gimmick is.

FWIW, they got my email address from my previosu sprint local phone
service account when I lived in a sprint serviced area.. the one
I told them I did not want special promotional offers sent to.

Sprint, to date, hasn't the balls to terminate ANYONE for spamming outside of
dialup users, IIRC.


They terminate dial users for abuse now? When did _that_ start?

Sprint is the only place where I can *count* on seeing accounts whacked for
abuse doing the Gypsy Dance for years to come, even (especially) if they
haven't "reformed".