test-ipv6.com / omgipv6day.com down

I know a lot of people are using / pointing to test-ipv6.com . The hardware picked a bad week to quit sniffing glue.

I"ll be working on trying to get it back up today, I need to source hardware. Also looking at borrowing a VM for short term.

(speaking only for @test-ipv6.com, not for $employer - my personal mail address is down too).

You got a bunch of mirrors for it right? Should not be to tricky to get someone to let their act as the real thing for a bit.


I've got redirects up now to spread the load across VMs. For the next couple of days, I don't expect a single VM to handle the load.

Thanks to all who've sent me a response; and thanks to Host Virtual and to Network Design GmbH, for taking the immediate load.

Once we're stable, and I get my *official* day job requirements met for World IPV6 Launch, I"ll come back to getting the original gear replaced. I've got a couple hardware offers in (Alex, Mark, thank you), and this might just be the reason to flat out refresh the hardware if ixSystems has something suitable already built.


You got a bunch of mirrors for it right? Should not be to tricky to
get someone to let their act as the real thing for a bit.

I've got redirects up now to spread the load across VMs. For the
next couple of days, I don't expect a single VM to handle the load.

I am actually not expecting that much of the hype to come out, just like
last year it will easily be forgotten unless somebody is able to spin
that PR engine really really really hard.

Thanks to all who've sent me a response; and thanks to Host Virtual
and to Network Design GmbH, for taking the immediate load.

Once we're stable, and I get my *official* day job requirements met
for World IPV6 Launch, I"ll come back to getting the original gear
replaced. I've got a couple hardware offers in (Alex, Mark, thank
you), and this might just be the reason to flat out refresh the
hardware if ixSystems has something suitable already built.



What's really needed is a service that looks up a given web page
over IPv6 from behind a 1280 byte MTU link and reports if all the
elements load or not. It dumps a list of elements with success/fail.

This would be useful to send the idiots that block ICMPv6 PTB yet
send packets bigger than 1280 bytes out too.


Much of that can be found here: http://www.wand.net.nz/pmtud/




$ dig -t any ipv6chicken.net

; <<>> DiG 9.8.1-P1 <<>> -t any ipv6chicken.net
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 16935

The chicken cannot cross the road as the chicken does not exist.




doesn't exist.

; <<>> DiG 9.9.1 <<>> ipv6chicken.net
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 5059
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;ipv6chicken.net. IN A

net. 879 IN SOA a.gtld-servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com. 1338855235 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Jun 5 10:14:40 2012
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 117


My bad... It's .com not .net.



http://ipv6chicken.com/ tests the path to me. It doesn't check the
path back to the sites I want to reach though it does provide a
independent third party if there is complainst that PTB's are not
being generated. It would be useful if it reported the MTU that
was eventually used. Most OS's have a hook to retrieve this.

What's really needed is a service that looks up a given web page
over IPv6 from behind a 1280 byte MTU link and reports if all the
elements load or not. It dumps a list of elements with success/fail.

This would be useful to send the idiots that block ICMPv6 PTB yet
send packets bigger than 1280 bytes out too.


Works on MacOS X and FreeBSD. It uses IPFW and rules 1-500 as
necessary. Example below, showing a website sending > 1280 but
ignoring PTBs sent to it.

$ sudo scamper -F ipfw -I "tbit -t pmtud -u 'http://www.sapo.pt/
tbit from 2001:470:d:4de:21f:3cff:fe20:bf4e to 2001:8a0:2104:ff:213:13:146:140
server-mss 1460, result: pmtud-fail
app: http, url: http://www.sapo.pt/
[ 0.048] TX SYN 64 seq = 0:0
[ 0.254] RX SYN/ACK 64 seq = 0:1
[ 0.255] TX 60 seq = 1:1
[ 0.255] TX 230 seq = 1:1(170)
[ 0.450] RX 60 seq = 1:171
[ 0.469] RX 1460 seq = 1:171(1400)
[ 0.469] TX PTB 1280 mtu = 1280
[ 0.470] RX 1460 seq = 1401:171(1400)
[ 3.467] RX 1460 seq = 1:171(1400)
[ 3.467] TX PTB 1280 mtu = 1280
[ 9.468] RX 1460 seq = 1:171(1400)
[ 9.468] TX PTB 1280 mtu = 1280
[ 21.471] RX 1460 seq = 1:171(1400)
[ 21.471] TX PTB 1280 mtu = 1280
[ 31.933] RX RST 60 seq = 1:4294923802