Temporary mail queue services?

Hello All,

Does anyone know of a service that you can sign up for to add as a secondary
MX to act as a mail queue if your primary MX isn't available? I'm going to
be doing a mail migration and I need a service to point my MX record to that
isn't my mail provider. I'll spare the details as to why it needs to be
different provider.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

Does anyone know of a service that you can sign up for to add as a secondary
MX to act as a mail queue if your primary MX isn't available?

Here is one that I have heard of in the past:

I have never used it though.


dyndns does this:


How long will your server be down?

Backup MX without a user list is a Bad Thing because of blowback.

And I'll stop there before someone tells me I'm off-topic. :slight_smile:

Backup MX without a user list is a Bad Thing because of blowback.

And are you sure that your users are comfortable with their email being
held by a third party that they don't know?

And I'll stop there before someone tells me I'm off-topic. :slight_smile:

And we are. Inet Access or mailops would probably be better.