Telus outage in Toronto, Ont Canada (AS852) ?

I cant get a hold of anyone in the NOC, but my local field tech says several large circuits got knocked out as a result of a broken pipe in their CO on University Ave. Does anyone else have any more details ? All the 1 800#s I have for them are still fast busy.


:I cant get a hold of anyone in the NOC, but my local field tech says
:several large circuits got knocked out as a result of a broken pipe in
:their CO on University Ave. Does anyone else have any more details ? All
:the 1 800#s I have for them are still fast busy.

I wonder if that would have anything to do with the subway between
Union and Spadina (under University Ave.)being shut down for part
of the morning. Transit service was restored by about 9:45.

What about Telus?

This started just before noon Toronto time (EDT) (my BGP session to them went idle at 11:41). Supposedly a sprinkler pipe broke and soaked a few optical transport shelves. The last updated I had was that it will be a few hours still. The master ticket is 895-126. This is all third hand. Perhaps some of the Telus folks here can provide more official info.
