Telehouse North 2 Temperatures


I am seeing increased temperatures in our cage in THN2 and I am curious if anyone else has noticed this as well. If you have gear in THN2 could you let me know if you have seen an increase in Temps over the past week or so?


I am seeing increased temperatures in our cage in THN2

What are the numbers, are they out of spec (it's in
your contract usually schedule 4)?

and I am curious if anyone else has noticed this as well

It's become more summery the last few days (today is quite
warm). THN2 is free air cooled for efficiency so I'd expect
up but in range.

If in doubt ask operations, they're friendly and are probably
bored now we all stopped visiting.


I am seeing increased temperatures in our cage in THN2 and I am curious if anyone else has noticed this as well. If you have gear in THN2 could you let me know if you have seen an increase in Temps over the past week or so?

Now that you mention it, yes. This is suite 260: Pasteboard - Uploaded Image.

Looks like about +2.5c starting around midday on Sunday. It was warm outside before then so it feels unlikely to be as a result of outside temperature and fresh air cooling.

That said, none of our kit has alerted on temperature so it doesn't seem to be negatively affecting anything.