Teleglobe appears to be spam-source zombie network?

We started getting a flood of autobot spam to our listed abuse mailbox about an hour ago out of Teleglobe. Trying to find someone to shut this down has found that

1. Teleglobe has no listed abuse contacts for any of their netblocks
2. The few of their records which have listed e-mail addresses all bounce
3. All listed phone numbers on any netblocks we can find are invalid

Any chance that RIPE is more strigent than ARIN and would pull their netblocks until they fix this stuff?

Try reach them at


Try reach them at

Yes - all my teleglobe contacts went over to Tata email addresses during the summer.


Jo Rhett wrote:

We started getting a flood of autobot spam to our listed abuse mailbox
about an hour ago out of Teleglobe. Trying to find someone to shut this
down has found that

1. Teleglobe has no listed abuse contacts for any of their netblocks
2. The few of their records which have listed e-mail addresses all bounce
3. All listed phone numbers on any netblocks we can find are invalid

Any chance that RIPE is more strigent than ARIN and would pull their
netblocks until they fix this stuff?

why don't we just have dick cheney bomb them?


Randy Bush wrote:

Jo Rhett wrote:

We started getting a flood of autobot spam to our listed abuse mailbox
about an hour ago out of Teleglobe. Trying to find someone to shut this
down has found that

1. Teleglobe has no listed abuse contacts for any of their netblocks
2. The few of their records which have listed e-mail addresses all bounce
3. All listed phone numbers on any netblocks we can find are invalid

Any chance that RIPE is more strigent than ARIN and would pull their
netblocks until they fix this stuff?

why don't we just have dick cheney bomb them?

Obama seems to be tyhe one bombing now.

Because they don't have oil.

It's possible that in the shuffle of company
renaming/rebranding/rejiggering-of-people they lost this bit in the
shuffle. There's at least one TATA eng person on-list though who may
be able to get you a status on the situation.


while this is not me you were refering to, i contacted privately Jo
   on this matter - a customer, probably upset, decided to fire-up a
   batch of misguided spam reports

   while there is certainly outdated abuse info for some of our blocks,
   in this particular case the subnet that was allocated to us has
   up-to-date mail+phone info

   and thanks to some posters further up the thread: the abuse mailbox
   is indeed

I'd like to note for anyone else who might make similar mistakes -- putting valid contact info only in the top level allocation and not tied to your organization means that nobody can find it, unless they are bored and feel like trying the IP with /25, /24, /23, /22 ... etc until they find your working contact info.

Do it right, tie the abuse contact to the organization. It will show up on *all* allocations.

Is it just me, or isn't keeping valid contact information on your netblocks like, a serious affair? Something you should get around to within a few hours, nevermind a few months since the changes?

I mean seriously.

Depends on if you take it seriously to begin with, as well as if the next
person after you leave takes it seriously. I left an org over a year and a
half ago, and the abuse/tech contact info for the netblocks has yet to be
updated. YMMV.


Randy Bush wrote:

why don't we just have dick cheney bomb them?

We could send in the Trojan Moose.


That's not my arguement ;( the thing I noticed while at a telco is
that sometimes they don't care about the intertubes :frowning: the corporate
masters have other priorities. It sucks, I was thinking that the
teleglobe/vsnl/tata folks may have gotten bitten by a similar event.

(and yes, having as up-to-date info as possible is important for your
customers and your peers)
