Tech contact for Qwest?

Maybe not an appropriate topic for Nanog... but... it is becoming a sad fact
that the clue level of 'internet engineers' is going down.


I rather think that this is a sad fact that while throwing billions for
equipment telcos are unwilling to provide adequate compensation for
anyone with a clue.


Hardware and long term leases can be financed. You have to pay for
people with real money. It is the uninformed investors who are
throwing the billions at infrastructure, but wages are seen as an
overhead. Sad.

I rather think that this is a sad fact that while throwing billions for
equipment telcos are unwilling to provide adequate compensation for
anyone with a clue.

it takes more then compensation to attract clue. it takes clue to attract
clue, as the clueful do not like the ulcers of working for the clueless.
and it takes the feeling that there is the will to do good things.
