Talks for NANOG 40 - June 3-6 - Bellevue, WA

The NANOG Program Committee is pleased to announce that these talks
have been accepted for the program at NANOG 40, June 3-6, 2007 in
Bellevue, WA:

Keynote speaker:
  David Isenberg,

General Session:
  Video Internet: The Next Wave of Disruption to the U.S. Peering Ecosystem
  - Bill Norton, Equinix

  Revisiting Interdomain Root Cause Analysis from multiple vantage points
  - Anthony Lambert, Mickael Meulle, Jean-Luc Lutton France Telecom R&D

  A DNS Anomaly Detection and Analysis System - Hyo-Jeong Shin, KT

  Revisiting AS ranking - Mickael Meulle, France Telecom R&D

  Joost Network Architecture - Colm MacCarthaigh, Joost

  Panel: Higher Speed Ethernet - 40G vs 100G - Richard A Steenbergen,
  nLayer Communications

Research Forum:
  Diagnosing the Location of Bogon Filters - Randy Bush, IIJ

  Stable Internet Route Selection - Brighten Godfrey, Matthew Caesar,
  Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica, Ian Haken (UC Berkeley)

  Modeling the Routing of an ISP with C-BGP - Bruno Quoitin, Universit�
  catholique de Louvain, Belgium

  iPlane: An Information Plane for the Internet - Harsha V. Madhyastha,
  Tom Anderson, Arvind Krishnamurthy (University of Washington),
  and Arun Venkataramani (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

  Real-time Blackhole Analysis with Hubble - Ethan Katz-Bassett,
  Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy,
  Thomas Anderson. University of Washington

  How to Update Wireshark (Ethereal) - Aamer Akhter, cisco Systems
  BGP Techniques for Service Providers - Philip Smith, Cisco Systems
  BGP Communities for Service Providers - Richard A Steenbergen,
  nLayer Communications; Tom Scholl, AT&T Labs

  PGP key signing - Joe Abley
  Peering BOF XV - Bill Norton, Equinix
  BGP Tools BoF - Daniel Massey, Colorado State University
  ISP Security - Danny McPherson, Kevin Lanning

More talks will be added as we get closer - keep checking back
for details.

The program will begin on Sunday, June 3 with a first-timers
orientation/gathering and community meeting.

Plenary sessions will be Monday through Wednesday mornings,
with breakout sessions (BOFs and tutorials) on Monday and
Tuesday afternoons.

For more information, see

    Steve Feldman
    PC chair