T-Mobile IPv6 Beta


T-Mobile USA has launched an IPv6 beta service and we are interested
in recruiting some friendly users as part of this trial service.
Right now, the service is only for T-Mobile USA subscribers in
T-Mobile USA coverage (no roaming) and only Nokia phones are

For more info and discussion, please visit our group page




Nokia N900: http://n900-ipv6.garage.maemo.org/ - worth giving it a shot ...

***Stefan Mititelu

Just as an FYI, the N900 Connection Manager (just like the Ubuntu Linux equivalent) doesn't consider getting an IPv6 address+DNS only (no IPv4) as being "connected", and considers the connection to be down and spews a failure message. The scripts linked above requires dual PDP contexts (one for v4 and one for v6) and this usually requires additional license ($$$) for SGSN and other parts of the mobile network.

Some other Nokia phones actually support single IPv6 PDP context and thus work with NAT64 for instance.

Ubuntu has no IPv6 focus at all as far as I can discern from reading tickets regarding IPv6, they seem content with what they get for "free" from the kernel and some 3rd party programs one has to install oneself. A lot of people in the support world (irc+forums etc) actively suggests disabling IPv6 for a lot of "slowness problems".

We have a long road ahead of us...

Have you considered updating the Nokia n900 to the latest version of OS ie
PR2 they fixed ipv6 stack

Nokia N900: http://n900-ipv6.garage.maemo.org/ - worth giving it a shot


I updated to PR1.2 when it was released (if this is what you mean) and all the tests were done with that. The stock kernel doesn't even have IPv6 as far as I could see, I had to use the power kernel referenced in the url earlier in the thread to get IPv6 at all.

I believe Android 2.1 (And reportedly Apples iOS 4) do ipv6.
Android 2.1 certainly works out of the box. I have a HTC Desire that
just worked with my IPv6 setup at home.
(DHCPv6 from my ISP to my Cisco 877 and then over wifi to the Desire.)

I believe Android 2.1 (And reportedly Apples iOS 4) do ipv6.
Android 2.1 certainly works out of the box. I have a HTC Desire that
just worked with my IPv6 setup at home.
(DHCPv6 from my ISP to my Cisco 877 and then over wifi to the Desire.)

It is also my understanding that the latest Android and and iOS4
support IPv6, but only via the WiFi interface. The Nokia Symbians
phones are the only ones that I know of that can do native IPv6-only.
As Mikael pointed out, this is important. The Nokia Maemo N900 can do
dual-stack, but it is "beta" and requires a fairly easy kernel upgrade
.... but more development is going into it all the time and it is
generally a very good device for the developer types. I consider the
the Symbian phones as well as the applications in their Ovi App store
to be real IPv6 production quality, they are mature and stable. You
can go to the store and buy these phones off the shelf and ipv6 just
works (assuming your carrier did not lock out those features). Nokia
is way head of the curve on IPv6 and they should be recognized as

It's nice to see Android and iOS bring IPv6 to WiFi as a first step,
but they need to keep going.

Here is a short thread on the Android IPv6 issue, it is really
Qualcomm's issue at this point http://tinyurl.com/28nttno
