Systemic problems at Verizon

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Jeffrey C. Ollie said:

> There exist little red caps that fit onto 66 blocks and binding
> posts. They're hard to find, though. If someone here knows of the
> supplier, I'll buy a few hundred.

The Siemon catalog lists "Red Special Service Markers" and come in 2,
3, and 6 position sizes. See:


Thanks, but the "S-779-916" series is not exactly what I'm
seeking. I'm thinking of a small circular cap that fits over one
punch, or terminal post.

These might well be worth getting anyhow.

I *do* recommend Folks gets something, and install same.
Especially folks with shared closets, etc. Bribe^H^H talk your
way into the MPOE location as well, and populate your points
there, too.

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Jeffrey C. Ollie said:
> The Siemon catalog lists "Red Special Service Markers" and come in 2,
> 3, and 6 position sizes. See:
> <;

Thanks, but the "S-779-916" series is not exactly what I'm
seeking. I'm thinking of a small circular cap that fits over one
punch, or terminal post.

if it's what i'm thinking, it's a little rubberized cap that wholey
covers a punchdown..

indeeed, if someone finds a source, please send it out, as these would be
a nice addition to my kit

These might well be worth getting anyhow.

if you are stuck for something to do, head down to radio shack or
electronics shop and get some heat shrink tubing and shrink it to
the punchdown. it dosent take a lot of heat to shrink, and it
would require actual work to remove, which sould keep it safe from
the average telco employee...

Hello Michael , Another trick could be to use a loop of
  shrink wrap across one set and another loop across the other
  putting a tyvek label thru both loops . Just a thought , JimL