Switching Email

Mr. Shimonski could solve his problem by googling "unsubscribe nanog"
but he probably has no other way of figuring out how to get off of the

besides the monthly happy mailman day message reminding you how


We get what, 20, 30, 100 messages a day? How about as a prank I
subscribe you to the Justin Bieber mailing list at the same message
volume, only you can't get instructions about how to unsubscribe for
30 days and you have to read the mail in Microsoft Lookout,
interspersed with work-oriented messages from your boss and
colleagues. With Outlook popping new-message-notifications up on the
projector while you try to give a presentation during a meeting, each
containing the sender and message subject...


William Herrin <bill@herrin.us> writes:

and you have to read the mail in Microsoft Lookout, interspersed with
work-oriented messages from your boss and colleagues. With Outlook
popping new-message-notifications up on the projector while you try to
give a presentation during a meeting, each containing the sender and
message subject...

Well I try to avoid Outlook, but even I was able to create some basic
filter rules during my last projekt (where I was forced to use it).
