Switching Email

No, it isn't. Contrary to mailing list best practices, NANOG
unsubscribe information is stubbornly stashed in the email headers

I wonder if the "feature" has anything to do with the number of
increasing number of NANOG list messages that I have to fish out of my
gmail spam folder. Particularly annoying with the CIDR and BGP reports
that I've had to fish out every single week for months now.


Actually, it's RFC 2369 :slight_smile:


there are handy gmail filters that can fix this for you...

Well it's a mailman server so you could email nanog-request@nanog.org
with the subject: unsubscribe

Anyone have a list of MUAs that actually support RFC 2369 with
subscription management widgets in the GUI? Surely someone has written
one but I can't seem to find any documentation to that effect.

On the other hand, the very first guideline at
http://www.mail-abuse.com/an_listmgntgdlines.html is:
"Mailing list administrators must provide [...] clear and effective
instructions for unsubscribing from a mailing list." Hidden in the
headers is rather less than clear or effective.

Even that lightweight, the CAN-SPAM act, calls for each message to
contain "clear and conspicuous notice of the opportunity [...] to
decline to receive further" messages.


Anyone have a list of MUAs that actually support RFC 2369 with
subscription management widgets in the GUI? Surely someone has written
one but I can't seem to find any documentation to that effect.

Alpine, which has what must be the cruddiest GUI on the planet, does.
Too bad people prefer glitz to function.


--As of March 12, 2011 3:02:38 PM +0000, John Levine is alleged to have said:

Anyone have a list of MUAs that actually support RFC 2369 with
subscription management widgets in the GUI? Surely someone has written
one but I can't seem to find any documentation to that effect.

Alpine, which has what must be the cruddiest GUI on the planet, does.
Too bad people prefer glitz to function.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Squirrelmail and Kmail both do as well, although in both cases it's an option that needs to be configured. (In Squirrelmail's case it's actually a plugin, I think.)

Daniel T. Staal

William Herrin <bill@herrin.us> writes:

Anyone have a list of MUAs that actually support RFC 2369 with
subscription management widgets in the GUI? Surely someone has written
one but I can't seem to find any documentation to that effect.


Jens, Gnus user since 1999

Anyone have a list of MUAs that actually support RFC 2369 with
subscription management widgets in the GUI? Surely someone has written
one but I can't seem to find any documentation to that effect.

Alpine, which has what must be the cruddiest GUI on the planet, does.
Too bad people prefer glitz to function.

And Glitzy MUAs and MTAs tend to be the least RFC compliant of all.

Thunderbird (older versions) had a plugin (Display Mailing List Headers)
that would do it, but the plugin is not compatible with the current
version[s] of Thunderbird.

Any MUA that has a toggle or view to "display all headers" may
indirectly do it if they create "clickable links" for http: and mailto:
directives, e.g., from this list:

List-Id: North American Network Operators Group <nanog.nanog.org>
List-Unsubscribe: <https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog&gt;,
List-Archive: <http://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog&gt;
List-Post: <mailto:nanog@nanog.org>
List-Help: <mailto:nanog-request@nanog.org?subject=help>
List-Subscribe: <https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog&gt;,


EXMH had that support long ago:

cvs repository 4/9/1999
    Support for RFC2369. If a message contains RFC2369 compliant
        headers, a "List..." menu will appear with List related items
        on it. [ Note that this makes visible a mailto url related
        bug which you'll find described in exmh.BUGS ] -cwg

Previous big fan of NMH reporting in - was my favorite email client
for many many years :slight_smile:

I don't have a list, but if you are viewing the email using the gmail web interface, and select the "show details" interface, you will see:

     from Scott Weeks <surfer@mauigateway.com>
reply-to surfer@mauigateway.com
to nanog@nanog.org
date Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:24 PM
subject Re: Switching Email
mailing list nanog.nanog.org Filter messages from this mailing list
mailed-by nanog.org
unsubscribe Unsubscribe from this mailing-list

Where "Filter messages from this mailing list" is a link, and "Unsubscribe from this mailing-list" is a link.

Unfortunately, there's no confirmation or "undo" when you try to unsubscribe (as I just did, to test it). Oops!


>> From: William Herrin <bill@herrin.us>
>> No, it isn't. Contrary to mailing list best practices, NANOG
>> unsubscribe information is stubbornly stashed in the email headers
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> That's a feature. =A0Not a bug. =A0:-)
> Actually, it's RFC 2369 =A0:)

Anyone have a list of MUAs that actually support RFC 2369 with
subscription management widgets in the GUI? Surely someone has written
one but I can't seem to find any documentation to that effect.

On the other hand, the very first guideline at
ERS - Home Page  | Trend Micro Service Central is:
"Mailing list administrators must provide [...] clear and effective
instructions for unsubscribing from a mailing list." Hidden in the
headers is rather less than clear or effective.

Even that lightweight, the CAN-SPAM act, calls for each message to
contain "clear and conspicuous notice of the opportunity [...] to
decline to receive further" messages.

Headers are the ONLY way to do this so it works in all languages
for all the planet.

"Click here to unsubscribe" is a joke when it is written in a
language you don't read.

As for the CAN-SPAM act, it's also a joke. It doesn't require a
pre-existing relationship where there is a chance the recipient
can read the message.