swamp space reachability

Hi all.

I have a bit of an issue. A while ago, I was issued from ARIN (under ipv4 policy, - the minimum allocation for multihomed networks). I've just gotten around to announcing it to migrate off of my PA space. In testing, I've determined that a number of networks are blackholing my traffic. I've started attempting to contact the various networks that appear to be blocking my traffic, but that's not going particularly fast.

My question: Has anyone else who has received a small allocation from ARIN had this happen to them?

If you'd like to look and see if you see my announcement, I'm announcing, as well as the four /24s that make it up (the deagg is temporary and to see if it helps, I'm well aware that aggregating is preferred). My AS is 30233.


P.S. To those of you who will be at NANOG 34 this Sunday, I look forward to meeting you guys.

Hi all.

I have a bit of an issue. A while ago, I was issued from ARIN
(under ipv4 policy, - the minimum allocation for multihomed
networks). I've just gotten around to announcing it to migrate off of my PA
space. In testing, I've determined that a number of networks are
blackholing my traffic. I've started attempting to contact the various
networks that appear to be blocking my traffic, but that's not going
particularly fast.

My question: Has anyone else who has received a small allocation from ARIN
had this happen to them?

If you'd like to look and see if you see my announcement, I'm announcing, as well as the four /24s that make it up (the deagg is
temporary and to see if it helps, I'm well aware that aggregating is
preferred). My AS is 30233.


I can see your announcements just fine through Level 3.

As one of the proponents of 2002-3 that led to, I would be
very interested in hearing of your (and other's) experiences. This, of
course, was exactly what 2002-3 / was intended to prevent !

Of course, just as new allocations to ARIN or RIPE are announced here,
it may be a good idea to start announcing 2002-3 allocations as well.

Marshall Eubanks

Marshall Eubanks wrote:


Of course, just as new allocations to ARIN or RIPE are announced here,
it may be a good idea to start announcing 2002-3 allocations as well.

Marshall Eubanks

If they aren't on the bogon list then why announce them?

Roy Engehausen

Marshall Eubanks wrote:

> ...
>Of course, just as new allocations to ARIN or RIPE are announced here,
>it may be a good idea to start announcing 2002-3 allocations as well.
>Marshall Eubanks
If they aren't on the bogon list then why announce them?

I said _may_. This is actually the first I have heard of problems with ARIN micro-assignments,
and I suspect this may be rare.

The reason would be, of course, that these represent swamp space that should be
handled differently.
