Sustaining the Internet with hyperbolic mapping

Sustaining the Internet with hyperbolic mapping

Marián Boguñá, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos & Dmitri Krioukov

Nature Communications 1 , Article number: 62 doi:10.1038/ncomms1063

Received 06 April 2010 Accepted 06 August 2010 Published 07 September 2010


The Internet infrastructure is severely stressed. Rapidly growing overheads
associated with the primary function of the Internet—routing information
packets between any two computers in the world—cause concerns among Internet
experts that the existing Internet routing architecture may not sustain even
another decade. In this paper, we present a method to map the Internet to a
hyperbolic space. Guided by a constructed map, which we release with this
paper, Internet routing exhibits scaling properties that are theoretically
close to the best possible, thus resolving serious scaling limitations that
the Internet faces today. Besides this immediate practical viability, our
network mapping method can provide a different perspective on the community structure
in complex networks.

[full text snipped]

I had read this as well last night. It's an interesting read and I was going to send the authors some feedback as it relates to the asymmetrical nature of BGP announcements impact on ASes, and seeking some of the data on the node/edge layouts that have been done.

I'm quite excited to see research continue in this space. I'm also hoping someone will spend time performing comparable analysis within the IPv6 sphere over the T-6 months and T+18/24 from now to watch what happens at this critical time in the IPv4 lifecycle.

- Jared

It's interesting, but it reverts from the desired approach. Greedy routing? I thought only Cogent did that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, I took from it that we can make routing more scalable if we remove features in common use today. Yet business demand is that we are actually trying to increase the information we want to pass between AS's. Between multicast/unicast v4/v6, mpls, extensive traffic engineering, I don't see how the research could be applied.


At first glance, this looks a bit familiar:
