Sunday Night NANOG Community Input Agenda (update)

Here's a quick update:

1. Q&A has been moved to the end.

2. Introduction: Paul Vixie with Martin Hannigan, 5 min.

3. Overview, History, & Structure of NANOG: Betty Burke, 15 min.

4. Program Committee Review: Steve Feldman, 20 min.

5. Reform Proposal: Dan Golding et. al., 15 min.
   See the proposal at

6. Open Microphone: Attendees and possible remotes, 65 min.

7. Adjournment, Paul Vixie with Martin Hannigan

The meeting will be web cast and a one-way conference bridge
will be tentatively in operation. There will be an IRC channel
with note takers for possible Q&A participation.

Post Meeting Discussions Location: The Tilted Kilt
  (Space #45) - The dress code is NANOG casual

If there's anything else, questions, etc., please reply
off list and let us know.


What is the latest configuration information for watching tonight's meeting?


� The meeting will be web cast and a one-way conference bridge
� will be tentatively in operation. There will be an IRC channel
� with note takers for possible Q&A participation.

What is the latest configuration information for watching tonight's meeting?

mp3 audio should be:

The real streaming link should go live on the nanog meeting page shortly befor the meeting. I can't promise multicast for this evening at the moment.

I'll post info on the bridge once we test it.

  there will be inoc-dba and pstn accessible information posted.

  codecs are limited to g711ulaw and g711alaw as i've not
got 729 licenses.

  we'll be testing in ~1 hr once the room is free i think.

  - jared


  here's the info:

  INOC-DBA: 2914*0
  PSTN: +1 214 413 1115
  +1 408 263 1066

  Once you call in, enter extension 4500

  This is just a copy of the mp3 stream as we weren't
able to connect directly in to the audio infra.

  - jared