Summary: US Colo transit pricing

My apologies; I was just too damned tired to do this last night, by which
time I had gotten my answer: $17 for a 5 way blend based on L3 and GBLX, in
Tampa, isn't really all that bad. (100mbs commit; GigE fiber redundant)

City Pipe Commit Carrier(s) $/mbs

And the fact that they don't charge cross connect fees; I just got back from
touring Equinix/S&D. Plant's nice enough, especially if you need -48v...

but the cross-connect charges definitely put you in the "are you shopping
the right category of data center" picture: $500 setup, $225 for coax/325 for
fiber. For an empty cable. Yeah, I know, I know; being surprised at the
magnitude of that means this really is my first rodeo. It had to happen
some time. :slight_smile:

-- jra