Sudan disconnected from the Internet


The report from renesys states that

"We initially stated that Sudan’s outage began at 12:47 UTC because that
was when virtually all Sudanese routed networks were withdrawn from the
global routing table"

If its a deliberate action to remove Sudan from the Internet then what
exactly would the ISPs in Sudan have done? Drop their peering sessions with
the three International gateways? How were the "Sudanese routed networks


with the old fashioned pair of diagonal cutters applied to fiber?

If the government did it, I guarantee it was cut fiber. That makes it
difficult to quickly restore. One has to wonder whats going on there
right now that they dont want the world to know about?

Then its quite likely the government cut the fiber to cover that up :slight_smile:
wouldnt surprise me if they cut it in multiple places as well.

We make Ku-band backpacks for this type of scenario. I would give it 12-18
hours before you see CNN light up with live feeds.. I didn't even KNOW
this was happening prior to them doing this. Seems like cutting off access
would alert a lot more folks than some people wrecking Sudan over fuel

Doesn't look like it's been picked up by CNN substantially yet, but I
imagine we'll get "breaking news" soon enough. Would be interesting to see
if it was a forced drop or did they actually just take a pair of scissors
and murder the internets?

Thats disappointing. I was imagining some networking trick with which Sudan
was being disconnected (prefix hijacking, etc) - didnt strike me that this
was also an option available! :slight_smile:

My recollection is that Renesys classified Sudan as a country vulnerable to
disconnection due to low diversification of international transit; the old
authoritarian preference on monopolizing the gateways has its advantages. I
have been monitoring responsive hosts using ZMap every 15 minutes or so
since afternoon. However, it seems probable from the incremental disconnect
that this was a legal compliance situation (a fax to the ISP), rather than
flipping a switch or cutting a wire?

We make Ku-band backpacks for this type of scenario. I would give it 12-18
hours before you see CNN light up with live feeds..

Why would an entertainment network cover real news ?

BBC or AlJazeera are better news sources for stuff that happens more
than 2 bocks away from CNN's atlanta offices.

25 September 2013 Last updated at 17:54 ET

Sudan fuel unrest: Many die in Khartoum as riots continue

Al Jazeera:
Sudan protests over fuel prices turn deadly
Security forces use tear gas to disperse demonstrators in Khartoum amid
simmering anger over subsidy cuts.
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2013 18:08

Sudan protests over fuel prices turn deadly | Business and Economy | Al Jazeera

Neither article mentions internet disconnection.

It's not a fiber cut. It did come back for a while at least.


If they don't have news of the internet connection, we're probably both
looking at the wrong news feed. :wink:

Patrick sent a twitter image showing the murder in traffic, but it looks
like after the spike SOMETHING came back?? If it was scissor murdered, I
would assume it would have been flat lined across the board. Either way,
I'm sure this is related and they're monitoring this list closely.. :wink:


The report from renesys states that

"We initially stated that Sudan�s outage began at 12:47 UTC because that
was when virtually all Sudanese routed networks were withdrawn from the
global routing table"

If its a deliberate action to remove Sudan from the Internet then what
exactly would the ISPs in Sudan have done? Drop their peering sessions with
the three International gateways? How were the "Sudanese routed networks


with the old fashioned pair of diagonal cutters applied to fiber?

when you have the guns you normally just make a phone call...

There's no reason to destroy your infrastructure just to deny the usage
of it.

This is data from RIPEstat / RIPE Atlas:

near-realtime stats of visibility of Sudanese prefixes and ASNs:

Looks like the number of prefixes went up to about normal again the
last hour or so.

best regards,
Emile Aben

It's not a fiber cut. It did come back for a while at least.


This is data from RIPEstat / RIPE Atlas:

near-realtime stats of visibility of Sudanese prefixes and ASNs:

Looks like the number of prefixes went up to about normal again the
last hour or so.

You'll need to zoom to actually see this, here's the zoomed view:

Of course it is entirely possible that it was the rioters simply because they wanted people to notice. And I guess it worked.

Or the country as a whole had WAY too many iPhones in need of a 7.0 upgrade.


We learned last week that iPhone updates cripple no network as they are regional and magical, simultaneously. :wink:

Man, they should really install some Akamai servers! <ducks>
