Subject: Re: MS is vulnerable

Microsoft software is inherently less safe than Linux/*BSD software.
This is because Microsoft has favored usability over security.
This is because the market has responded better to that tradeoff.
This is because your mom doesn't want to have to hire a technical
consultant to manage her IT infrastructure when all she wants to do is


email pictures of her grandkids.

/Let me see, have I got this right?
/Apple software is inherently less safe than Linux/*BSD software.
/This is because Apple has favored usability over security.
/This is because the market has responded better to that tradeoff.

/This is because your mom doesn't want to have to hire a technical
/consultant to manage her IT infrastructure when all she wants to do is get
/email pictures of her grandkids.
/The last three statements make perfect sense but that first
/one just doesn't seem right. Could it be that ease-of-use
/has nothing whatsoever to do with security?
/--Michael Dillon

What I gathered was

TSR80's are making a comback for their ease of use

This is because Tandy/Radio Shack is the last bastion of hope

This is perhaps because people like that retro feeling

This is because your ex girlfriend suggested you buy this (TSR80) so she
won't have to hire a technical consultant to have her pictures removed
from or being webcams and TSR's are a
no no.

J. Oquendo