Strip AS in BGP peer

Hello Nanog,

am not sure if i should have placed this on the cisco-nsp or the
juniper-nsp but someone may have a direct answer.

well here it goes. we'll soon form a new internet exchange and i
would like to suggest a model in the route-server wherein the
route-server would strip out it's own AS and give the neighbors/peers
the AS's of the members. I have seen this in Any2IX but i have no
idea on how to implement it as if i am the Any2 route-server.

if you could point me to the right direction or reading, i could take
it from there.


Take a read of the quagga documentation. There's a BGP neighbor option
for stripping out the local AS when speaking eBGP.


More specifically:
- neighbor *ip or peer-group* attribute-unchanged as-path


To leave _everything_ unchanged (med and next hop which goes w/o saying
;-)) might even best. Hence go for

neighbor <ip> attribute-unchanged

Of course there are also other implemenations like OpenBGPD and BIRD
( which also do support that feature.

You could even do per peer RIB to give each of your customer its own
view. Does work for small to medium sized IXP but has not yet proven to
run for really large IXP.

Best regards,

Sherwin Ang wrote:

well here it goes. we'll soon form a new internet exchange and i
would like to suggest a model in the route-server wherein the
route-server would strip out it's own AS and give the neighbors/peers
the AS's of the members. I have seen this in Any2IX but i have no
idea on how to implement it as if i am the Any2 route-server.

Hi, Sherwin

Sorry for the late reply.

We (LONAP, London UK) have deployed our route-servers using BIRD and
OpenBGPd on unix servers, rather than traditional big iron hardware for the
following reasons :

- Availability of the 'stripped asn' feature as you describe.
- Multiple RIBs per BGP instance, so that route-server participants who
filter (on the route-server) can do so without causing shadowing of prefixes.
- Don't need the high-capacity forwarding - the route-servers swap
prefixes, not traffic.

As other posters in this thread have described, it's also possible to do
this with the Quagga software, but the current codebase appears to creak
(and then croak !) with scale, when multiple-ribs are enabled.

This email is pretty brief; the exchange community have been discussing
this and publishing talks on the subject since the beginning of the year,
as our understanding of the problems of running the common open-source so I
can point you to some resources that you may find interesting :

Our decisions and introduction to the LONAP service :

INEX (Dublin, IE) describe the per-peer RIB problem and Quagga problems :

LINX (London, UK) also describe the per-peer RIB problem and explain their
efforts to solve the Quagga problems :

EuroIX route server activity report from October :

(Situation is more evolved now, but I don't know if more recent slides are

The situation is likely to move quickly by the middle of next year, if
there is interest it sounds like a good operational BOF for N'49.
