Strange public traceroutes return private RFC1918 addresses

Which (as discussed previously) breaks things like Path MTU Discovery,

If RFC1918 addresses are used only on interfaces with jumbo MTUs
on the order of 9000 bytes then it doesn't break PMTUD in a
1500 byte Ethernet world. And it doesn't break traceroute.
We just lose the DNS hint about the router location.

A more important question is what will happen as we move out
of the 1500 byte Ethernet world into the jumbo gigE world. It's
only a matter of time before end users will be running gigE
networks and want to use jumbo MTUs on their Internet links.
Could we all agree on a hierarchy of jumbo MTU sizes that
with the largest sizes in the core and the smallest sizes at
the edge? The increment in sizes should allow for a layer or
two of encapsulation and peering routers should use the
largest size MTU.


--Michael Dillon

A more important question is what will happen as we move out
of the 1500 byte Ethernet world into the jumbo gigE world. It's
only a matter of time before end users will be running gigE
networks and want to use jumbo MTUs on their Internet links.

The performance gain achieved by using jumbo frames outside of very
specific LAN scenarios is highly questionable, and they're still not
standardized. Are "jumbo" Internet MTUs seen as a pressing issue by
ISPs and vendors these days?


> A more important question is what will happen as we move out
> of the 1500 byte Ethernet world into the jumbo gigE world. It's
> only a matter of time before end users will be running gigE
> networks and want to use jumbo MTUs on their Internet links.

The performance gain achieved by using jumbo frames outside of very
specific LAN scenarios is highly questionable, and they're still not
standardized. Are "jumbo" Internet MTUs seen as a pressing issue by
ISPs and vendors these days?

Being a position to use a default mtu larger that 1500 would be nice given
the number of tunnels of varying varieties that have to fragment because
the packets going into them are themselves 1500 bytes... 4352 and 4470 are
fairly common in the internet today...

edge networks that are currently jumbo enabled for the most part do just
fine when talking to the rest of the internet since they can do path mtu
discovery... non-jumbo enabled devices on the same subnet with jumbo
devices become a big problem since they end up black-holed from the hosts.
adoption in the core of networks is likely easier than at the
end-user edges...

I'm confused about your traceroute comment. You're assuming a packet with a RFC1918 source address won't be dropped. In many cases, it will, and should be. Each organization is permitted to use the RFC1918 address space internally for any purpose they see fit. This often means they don't want people outside the organization to be able to generate packets with source addresses for machines they consider to be internal. It makes sense to drop such packets as they come in to your AS.

Assuming that a packet with an RFC1918 source address will get dropped as it crosses in to a new AS, this will break traceroute hops, Path MTU Discovery, Network/Host unreachable, or any other ICMP that needs to be generated from a router with a RFC1918 address.

Is everyone filtering RFC1918 at their edge? No. But my impression is that more and more places are. Certainly anyone who uses either Team Cymru's Bogon services or similar services (doesn't Cisco now do this in IOS as well?) will be blocking them...


Well, until you hit one of these transit providers that uses 1918 addresses
for their links. :slight_smile:

Which (as discussed previously) breaks things like Path MTU Discovery,

If RFC1918 addresses are used only on interfaces with jumbo MTUs
on the order of 9000 bytes then it doesn't break PMTUD in a
1500 byte Ethernet world. And it doesn't break traceroute.

You mean if they use 9000 bytes + RFC 1918 for the internal links and 1500 + real addresses for the external links there are no problems, even when people filter the RFC 1918 addresses? That would be correct in the case where this is a single organization network. But if it's a service provider network, there may be customers somewhere that connect over 1500 byte + links. (And never mind the fact that firewall admins are incredibly paranoid and also often filter RFC 1918 sources.)

A more important question is what will happen as we move out
of the 1500 byte Ethernet world into the jumbo gigE world.

Not as much as I'd hoped. My powerbook has gigabit ethernet but it's limited to 1500 byte frames.

It's only a matter of time before end users will be running gigE
networks and want to use jumbo MTUs on their Internet links.

The internet has always been a network with a variable MTU size. Even today under the iron rule of ether there are many systems with MTUs that aren't 1500. And yes, obviously people will want larger MTUs. I had the opportunity to work with a couple for boxes with 10 gigabit ethernet interfaces today. Unfortunately, I was unable to squeeze more than 1.5 gbit out of them over TCP. That's 125000 packets per second at 1500 bytes, which makes no sense any which way you slice it. (And the driver did actually do 125k interrupts per second, which probably explains the poor throughput.)

Could we all agree on a hierarchy of jumbo MTU sizes that
with the largest sizes in the core and the smallest sizes at
the edge? The increment in sizes should allow for a layer or
two of encapsulation and peering routers should use the
largest size MTU.

No need. Simply always use the largest possible MTU and make sure path MTU discovery works. If you have a range of maximum MTU sizes that is pretty close (9000 and 9216 are both common) it could make sense to standardize on the lowest in the range to avoid successive PMTUD drops but apart from that there is little to be gained by over-designing.

Oh yes: there were some calculations in other postings, which were quite misleading as they only looked at the 20 byte IP overhead. There's also TCP overhead (20 bytes), often a timestamp option (12 bytes) and of course the ethernet overhead which is considerable: 8 byte preamble, 14 byte header, 4 byte FCS and an inter frame gap that is equivalent to 12 bytes. So a 1500 byte IP packet takes up 1538 bytes on the wire while it only has a 1460 byte payload (94.9% efficiency). A 9000 byte IP packet takes up 9038 bytes and delivers a 8960 byte payload (99.1%). 1520 bytes in a single packet would be 95% efficiency but fragmenting this packet would create a new IP packet with a 24 byte payload for a total of 44 bytes which is padded to 46 because of the ethernet minimum packet size, for a total bandwidth use on the wire of 1618 bytes, making for an efficiency rating of 91.5%. (Fragmenting 1520 in 1496 and 44 is pretty stupid by the way, 768 and 772 would be much better, thinking of the reasons why is left as an exercise for the reader.)