Statements against

Hex: 10011001

This is what I was referring to, yes. For those who still don't get
it (and as I've pointed out privately more than a few times today),
it's a palindrome. Reads the same forwards as backwards. 15+ years
ago, people were impressed by that sort of thing.


The binary equivalent of the hex is also a palindrome:

Bin: 10000000000010001000000000001


> Hex: 10011001

This is what I was referring to, yes. For those who still don't get
it (and as I've pointed out privately more than a few times today),
it's a palindrome. Reads the same forwards as backwards. 15+ years
ago, people were impressed by that sort of thing.


Best Regards,

Simon Higgs

The binary equivalent of the hex is also a palindrome:

Bin: 10000000000010001000000000001

you're missing 3 bits ! Assuming you want to add 3 trailing 0's this would

  Hex: 80088008

which is a palindrome alright, but not the same address Stepehn mentioned.


> > Hex: 10011001

Bin: 00010000000000010001000000000001

Not a palindrome :frowning:

>This is what I was referring to, yes. For those who still don't get
>it (and as I've pointed out privately more than a few times today),
>it's a palindrome. Reads the same forwards as backwards. 15+ years
>ago, people were impressed by that sort of thing.

Because it does not matter whether it's network byte order or not?


In article <>,

Because it does not matter whether it's network byte order or not? is sensitive to network byte order; this program
demonstrates that:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

        struct in_addr sin;

        if (inet_aton("", &sin) < 0) {
            perror("inet_aton failed");

        printf("Host byte order: %10lu 0x%08lx\n",
               sin.s_addr, sin.s_addr);
        printf("Network byte order: %10lu 0x%08lx\n",
               htonl(sin.s_addr), htonl(sin.s_addr));


On IA32 this outputs:

    Host byte order: 17826064 0x01100110
    Network byte order: 268505089 0x10011001

and on sun4c:

    Host byte order: 268505089 0x10011001
    Network byte order: 268505089 0x10011001

This occurs because the MSB vs. LSB conversion reorders at byte units,
but the mental reordering we perform while looking at a hexadecimal
representation occurs at the four-bit unit represented by one hex digit. would be a palindrome at the byte level (0x10010110), and so
htonl() will be a no-op on it even on a little-endian machine.

I hope this clears things up. Let's run some networks now.