Statements against

Do you see many scandals around people who own cool IP addresses? :slight_smile:

IIRC, there was an "issue" around the assignment of; I don't
think lawyers had been invented back then, so the scope of the scandal
remained relatively small.

(The coolness factor was the binary representation, of course.)


> Do you see many scandals around people who own cool IP addresses? :slight_smile:

IIRC, there was an "issue" around the assignment of; I don't
think lawyers had been invented back then, so the scope of the scandal
remained relatively small.

Lets see, the US gov't mandated phone number portability. How long will it be before they mandate IP address portability? Then everyone will want their /32 to be portable. Even Junipers handling of 2.4M prefixes:

will begin to buckle.
