Starr report - as seen from MAE East

scott w writes:

Maybe folks are not as interested as the press thinks.

> There was no sigificant change in traffic at MAE West.
> Steve

Maybe it was just a small report. HTML, not scanned in GIFs.
A little over 800K uncompressed. At least so far.

Maybe it was just a small report. HTML, not scanned in GIFs.
A little over 800K uncompressed. At least so far.

It was small as most web pages are today. I don't think the government
servers were hit even close as hard as some of the big news sites. I bet
CNN has 10 x the hits the LOC site had. NetRail hosted the servers for US
Treasury and USDA. We gave them a 100 BaseT ethernet connection into a
core router, but it never was a big deal because their servers would die
way before the like utilization ever got high. I have found many
government sites are like that. I would not be surprised if LOCs servers
died before the links maxed out.


Nathan Stratton Telecom & ISP Consulting