Sprint's filtering

Actually, Sprint's policy is partially motivated by "politicking" - or at
least by capitalistic goals. Since you have personally admitted this to my
face, and Sprint's management has said as much in private e-mail, I think
you calm down on the name calling.

You know I don't usually bother to add to the ranting on this list, but please
forward said private email from Sprint management. As one who was formerly
responsible for this policy as a Sprint Engineer I find it impossible for you
to have said mail. There are many reasons for this, none of which I care to
go into. Produce it please.

Jonathan Gardner

Actually, Sprint's policy is partially motivated by "politicking" - or at
least by capitalistic goals. Since you have personally admitted this to my
face, and Sprint's management has said as much in private e-mail, I think
you calm down on the name calling.

You know I don't usually bother to add to the ranting on this list, but


forward said private email from Sprint management. As one who was formerly
responsible for this policy as a Sprint Engineer I find it impossible for you
to have said mail. There are many reasons for this, none of which I care to
go into. Produce it please.

As it was a private e-mail, I will politely turn you down. I will,
however, tell you that it happened this year (1998), during an exchange on
NANOG much like the one we are currently having.

If you don't believe me, I completely understand. Feel free to disregard
that portion of my statement as I probably should not have said anything
anyway, since it was sent in confidence. However, the discussion between
Sean and I was in the lobby at the last NANOG and was witnessed by many
people. Feel free to ask about that.

BTW, since you were part of the original decision process, are you telling
me that Sprint did not at any time consider any financial impact these
filters might have? If so, that's actually worse (IMHO) than doing it
solely to get money. This may be the Internet, but (as I have found out
personally of late ;), if you don't make money, you don't stay in business.

The point is not really whether Sprint did it because it gives them an
advantage. The point is that it DOES give Sprint the advantage, and they
know it (or at least they should, if you wish to disregard my claims), yet
Sean and Sprint still act publicly as if they are guardians of the route
table and without their wisdom and restraint, the rest of us would all die
horrible deaths. Thanx, but I prefer the cash motive if you're gonna pull
something like that.

Then to add insult to injury, the only reason they enjoy a continued
advantage is because *we let them*. This is what has me totally befuddled.
Any Sprint peers care to explain why they do not filter Sprint in the same
way Sprint filters them?

Jonathan Gardner


I Am Not An Isp
"Think of it as evolution in action." - Niven & Pournelle

a critical difference should be noted between hearsay, conjecture,
sensationalist invective, etc. and actual memory and written record
of those who were there.
