Sprint NAP

  > Peter Lothberg <roll@stupi.se> writes:
  > ....
  > 6. IP Address Assignment
  > The customer shall receive his IP address assignment(s) from Sprint. Any
  > address(es) provided by Sprint shall remain the property of Sprint ...
Address ownership .... what a concept.
Although this is doing the right thing, the wording is dubious.


  1. From a technical standpoint, it's likely to hurt the NAP
     stability if people start to move host adresses away, and
     I don't think they would be that usable elswhere in the

  2. I have absolutely nothing to do with the document, I just
     turned into a readable format, as it seemed to be of
     general interest what the NAP terms and conditions where.

  3. Where are the other NAP's terms&conditions?


Peter Lothberg <roll@Stupi.SE> writes:

  > > > address(es) provided by Sprint shall remain the property of Sprint ..
  > 1. From a technical standpoint, it's likely to hurt the NAP
  > stability if people start to move host adresses away, and
  > I don't think they would be that usable elswhere in the
  > network.

Of course. I only critisised the term "property" that was used.