Sprint 3G/4G PPTP VPN connectivity

Has anyone been able to pull any magic off that allows PPTP connectivity over sprint's 3G/4G wireless network?

I assume they're just filtering it flat out, but before I contact them I wanted to see if anyone has found a resolution on their own.

I have several Nexus S 4G devices which are unable to get PPTP connections over 3G/4G but if you enable WIFI it comes up instantly.

I've been researching this off and on all weekend but wondered if anyone else had run into this issue.


I can't comment on your device or any interop issues, but I used l2tp ipsec
with this carrier without issue, if that might be an option.

I use often use PPTP on my original HTC EVO. Just tested it now and it
worked. 3G only, no 4G in my city.


I have seen MTU issues with PPTP on cellular networks before with
Android. You might want to try clamping the MTU down on the server


I have my EVO 4G connected right now over PPTP. I have seen issues
previously, but it seems like it varies from cell tower to cell tower.

I had issues with older versions of Android, but those manifested
themselves as the PPTP tunnel would connect but no traffic would pass
over it. It was either the last update or the one before last that
resolved it for me.
