Spectrum Carrier Team

Looking for someone at Spectrum to help with a ticket. ECT-83933060 no one is picking up the ticket :frowning:


Dennis Burgess

MikroTik : Trainer, Network Associate, Routing Engineer, Wireless Engineer, Traffic Control Engineer, Inter-Networking Engineer, Security Engineer, Enterprise Wireless Engineer

Hurricane Electric: IPv6 Sage Level

Cambium: ePMP

Author of "Learn RouterOS- Second Edition”

Link Technologies, Inc – Mikrotik & WISP Support Services

Office: 314-735-0270 Website: http://www.linktechs.net

Create your own Tickets via https://hd.linktechs.net

Create Wireless Coverage’s with www.towercoverage.com

Need MikroTik Cloud Management: https://cloud.linktechs.net

Admiral MikroTik Services: http://admiral.linktechs.net

Spectrum has a carrier escalations flowchart. You should have gotten that with the circuit contract and it gets updated annually. Have you tried those numbers?

Good luck – last time we did a public service complaint (admittedly it’s been a while) due to porting / voice issues we were told that they’re severity under-staffed and most days don’t have enough staff to follow normal business procedures. I have no idea if things are the same on the non-voice side of the house.