Special Counsel Office report web site

The Special Counsel's report is expected to be posted on its website sometime between 11 a.m. and noon on Thursday, April 18, 2019.


Since I helped with website for the Starr Report on September 11, 1998, I wish all website admins and network admins well tommorrow morning.

# config t
ip go faster


I remember “ip go faster” when you first posted it back in 1998. It was hilarious, I literally “LOL”ed. However, I did not envy you your job with that short notice. (But I did envy you all the people who were willing to help on such short notice.) I am still impressed at what you were able to pull together in just a few days. Major Kudos.

Things will probably be easier this time. The Internet has evolved ways of dealing with exactly this problem. (Avi used to call it “slash-dot insurance”, but the idea is the same.) Specifically:

  TiggerBook-C-32:~ patrick$ dig +short www.justice.gov

’Nuff said.

Yep, it will be interesting to see where the chokepoints are tommorrow.

In 1998, the bandwidth pipes never filled up. The chokepoint was in the TCP and Web stacks. Eventually the Associated Press got a copy of the Starr Report on a CD from a congressional staffer. The press intern running down the street holding a CD was faster than 1998 internet :slight_smile:

We were also lucky in 1998, no one had thought of DDOS yet.

And we may still see the web stack being the ultimate cause of the delay.

Parkinson's law always comes to the rescue:-)
More faster and efficient processing architecture, Hyper transport buses, amd-64 Branch prediction.
Massively faster storage subsystems and disk arrays, SSD slab caching for hypervisors

And some dude with a AJAX framework to serve a PDF bringging the whole thing to a a screeching halt

of course p2p is the way to distribute this but i doubt the justice department can admit there is any positive legitimate use for p2p.

(i’ve been surprised that it hasn’t made it to wikileaks or bittorrent yet. “russiar, are you listening?”)

(i sure hope there’s a signed version or at least a hash.)

i predict there will be versions with fake content, missing content, and malware inserted that are distributed as well.

and i’ll bet there will be some infected pdf version as well distributed that way.

Isn’t this why god invented CDNs? Though, i doubt the govment is Akamized...


Check the nANOG archives for examples of whitehouse.gov, cia.gov etc. It
certainly is.

Or maybe do this (faster than nanog archives) :slight_smile:

bash-3.2# dig cia.gov ns

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> cia.gov ns
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 33203
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 6, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;cia.gov. IN NS

cia.gov. 86400 IN NS a22-66.akam.net.
cia.gov. 86400 IN NS a16-67.akam.net.
cia.gov. 86400 IN NS a1-22.akam.net.
cia.gov. 86400 IN NS a12-65.akam.net.
cia.gov. 86400 IN NS a3-64.akam.net.
cia.gov. 86400 IN NS a13-65.akam.net.

Oh spiffy!

Will be interesting to see if there are any problems then.


Hey Mike.

Agreed. But the scale of a 400 page document with global interest? Should
be highly cached with a good ratio of served to pull bits. I'm willing to
bet you a beer its just another day on the Internet. However, I could be
wrong. Hope to see you in DC to collect! I already know Brett is in. :slight_smile:



I would expect far more traffic from patch tuesday to exceed the size of
the document.

  - Jared

I can’t believe p2p isn’t used more, even inside companies. It does have legit uses

Agreed, I remember the biggest problem when the Starr Report was released was that our dial-up PoPs had all lines busy. It was a different Internet then.

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

Not quite. A *version* of the report that has been redacted by
the President's hand-picked obedient lackey will be posted.

I suspect that the full report will find its way to us via other means.



If you want NANOG to devolve into a morass of political claptrap, keep posting comments like that. Personally, I want NANOG to remain a useful technical resource, and leave the partisan crap to Facebook and its ilk.

-mel beckman

B&N just announced that they are offering free downloads via their Nook reader. I noticed I couldn’t reach B&N via IPv6, and discovered the cause :


set type=AAAA

Non-authoritative answer:
*** Can't find barnesandnoble.com: No answer

set type=A

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: barnesandnoble.com

I don’t know if this is a temporary DNS failure, or B&N really still has no IPv6 hosted web services :slight_smile:


It does, and some of the use cases for it are quite compelling. However,
there is often deep mistrust associated with it: years of propaganda from
the copyright lobby have fostered the impression that it is inherently
malicious. That can be very difficult to overcome: it's in the
same class of mythos as "all ICMP traffic is bad", and well, lots of
us have spent lots of time over lots of years trying to get past that one.
Getting P2P accepted looks like a much bigger hill to climb.


Oops..the link would be helpful, sorry!

We have made the full report available here, including conclusions (full report both embedded by iframe, and linked to the actual report at DOJ).


Anne P. Mitchell,
Attorney at Law
GDPR, CCPA (CA) & CCDPA (CO) Compliance Consultant
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Legislative Consultant
CEO/President, Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Board of Directors, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Legal Counsel: The CyberGreen Institute
Legal Counsel: The Earth Law Center
California Bar Association
Cal. Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Colorado Cyber Committee
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

Exactly. In other words, don’t be a social retard.

If you want NANOG to devolve into a morass of political claptrap

you mean it could improve?