Speaking slots at APRICOT 2010 still available

Hi everyone,

For those folks who may be going to NANOG 48 in Austin at the end of
February, how about extending that trip a little and heading over to
Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for APRICOT which conveniently takes place the
following week. :slight_smile:

We still have a few speaking slots available for the main conference
(which runs from Monday 1st to Thursday 4th March). If you have a
presentation that you think might be of interest to the network
operators in the Asia & Pacific region, the Program Committee would be
delighted to hear from you.

There is more info in the CfP:
http://www.apricot2010.net/contribute/call-for-papers, but to submit a
presentation proposal simply go to
http://submission.apricot.net/paper/user/index.php?event=22 to submit
title, abstract and your draft slides.

Many thanks for reading, now back to regular programming... :slight_smile:

For the APRICOT Program Committee