spammed by a hardware resale outfit...

Hi all,

Received a spam-and-cold-call-to-my-cell-phone one-two-punch this
morning by an unrepentant Michael Andolino from Network Liquidators,
Inc. of Oldsmar, FL.

Anyone else get an unlucky start to their Monday?

I'm beginning to think that needs "good guys" and
"bad guys" pages so that we can all make doubly sure we're not doing
business with spammers (and just as importantly, a community resource
for reviews of used equipment vendors). Thoughts?


I like the idea of a 'these guys were good to me' page, I'd be a
little hesitant (yes, lame) to call out folks unless someone's ready
to deal with the 1:1000 crazy that says someone on cluepon slandered
them (libel? I always get them backwards).

Anyway, somewhat like the vixie personal-colo page, help for folks
looking to complete a job (buy gear/services) seems like a good thing.


Christopher Morrow wrote:

I'm beginning to think that needs "good guys" and
"bad guys" pages so that we can all make doubly sure we're not doing
business with spammers (and just as importantly, a community resource
for reviews of used equipment vendors). Thoughts?

I like the idea of a 'these guys were good to me' page, I'd be a
little hesitant (yes, lame) to call out folks unless someone's ready
to deal with the 1:1000 crazy that says someone on cluepon slandered
them (libel? I always get them backwards).

I like the idea for a page that recommends folk, but would suggest dating the comments (so that someone who *used* to be good doesn't have the same cachet as the person who got added yesterday). There'd also be the need to make sure, somehow, that recommendations were not (shall we say) motivated by something other than altruism.

On the other hand, there doesn't need to be a bad guys page. The archives are public, and mirrored multiple times. Google and Yahoo will provide that service for you, free of charge. ("Christopher Morrow") writes:

I like the idea of a 'these guys were good to me' page, I'd be a
little hesitant (yes, lame) to call out folks unless someone's ready
to deal with the 1:1000 crazy that says someone on cluepon slandered
them (libel? I always get them backwards).

agreed. that's a dangerous path.

Anyway, somewhat like the vixie personal-colo page, help for folks
looking to complete a job (buy gear/services) seems like a good thing.

what makes <; possible is me. i'm not
in the business myself but i know a lot about it and i'm very loud. bad
guys cloaked as good guys mostly don't bother sending me an entry. if i
had made this a wiki or otherwise public-editable device, it'd be useless.

that having been said, and even though the rate of change is very slow,
i hardly have time to edit this any more. whose turn is it next?

I like the idea for a page that recommends folk, but would suggest dating the comments (so that someone who *used* to be good doesn't have the same cachet as the person who got added yesterday). There'd also be the need to make sure, somehow, that recommendations were not (shall we say) motivated by something other than altruism.

There are lots of sites that do this... with various levels of "net-useful-data". Often free-for-all comments (well intentioned) tend to be spammed by equally well-intentioned marketing speak.

I'm thinking of places like WHT, but they may have changed since the last time I've viewed them.

I think a periodic (once per three-to-six months) message on nanog asking for pointers has served us all in the past (one person does it, so no one else feels the need to once its been summarized). Otherwise, isp-equipment is still around and has a pretty high signal ratio nowadays.


Received a spam-and-cold-call-to-my-cell-phone one-two-punch this
morning by an unrepentant Michael Andolino from Network Liquidators,
Inc. of Oldsmar, FL.

After twice asking to be removed from list via email and once via voice
(yes, I'm too nice) they are block and forget here.
