source for GIS-correlated fiber conduit data

Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 20:09:39 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Christopher L. Morrow" <>

> > Can anyone point me in the direction of a source for fiber cable
> > installations correlated to GIS data?
> You will probably have difficulty in getting this from your carriers of
> choice. Chances are, if they provide anything at all, it would be done
> under NDA.

Didn't Sean Doran do this out of GMU about 2 years ago? and get slapped
with some silly classification by the us-gov for it? (or am I thinking of
another sean?)

Someone did but it was not limited to fiber but included utilities...

And did get slapped down for putting together publicly available info
into a usable form...

Where are these publicly available records that Sean Gorman and
TeleGeography are using to develop these maps? I've tried in ernest to
find even a starting point to no avail.



Yes, we have spent some time collecting and building GIS analysis tools for various infrastructures, including fiber. There are folks that sell or did sell GIS fiber data. There are pros and cons for each, and nothing is complete. That said a few places you might want to check out:

Geo-tel - has metro fiber for several cities. Drawback is you cannot do routing analysis beacuse a large unumber of the conduits to do not connect to form cohesive paths.

Platts - used to have a product call Telcomap that had longhaul and metro fiber. The product was incomplete and discontinued, but there is data if you can get a hold of it.

Universal Access - also has GIS data but it is rather limited from what I've heard, have not actually worked with this set.

Depending on what you want to do with the data, some of these might work for you. Despite the media's best attemts, our work at GMU was not classified ** shameless plug ** the dissertation will be coming out as a book this summer. We have progressed quite a bit with the work in the intervening years, and have some interesting tools for quantifying the diversity between different sets of providers to optimize resiliency of networks, fail-sims, ROI models for different multi provider configurations. Although I think the most interesting application of late is mapping IP traffic to its physical fiber routes. Still in the prototype phase, but should be a good tool for finding points where a large number of logically diverse paths are in the same ditch.

