I need a SORBS maintainer to contact me.

The SORBS site reports the site and databases are in maintenance mode for
the second day in a row. One of my domains was legitimately listed, but
now that I've resolved the problem, I'm unable to request removal.


Tim R. Rainier
Systems Administrator II
Kalsec Inc.

Based on info previously posted to the SORBS web site, I suspect SORBS may be in the middle of relocating their servers (changing hosting providers). If that's the case, I don't think you're going to have any luck getting changes made to the SORBS database until the move has been completed.

I don't think they watch here; at least I've never seen Michelle post here. Try dnsbl-users, the SORBS mailling list. From the google cache of the Mailling Lists page --

"This list is an open list where the SORBS DNSbl may be discussed. If it is about the SORBS DNSbl it is on topic (including questions on how to configure mailers to use SORBS). Currently this list is quiet, un-moderated, and anyone is free to join. Non-members of the list are not permitted to send mail to the list.

For people who don't know the meaning of "confirmed opt-in" ("double opt-in" as most spammers call it), subscribe to this list and you will see how it works.

Subscription is performed by sending a message to: with a message body of:
subscribe dnsbl-users

Thanks for the replies. I will use the mailing list if my issue doesn't
get resolved.


Tim R. Rainier
Systems Administrator II
Kalsec Inc.

Marc Powell <>


NANOG list <>


08/25/2009 10:36 AM



> I need a SORBS maintainer to contact me.

I don't think they watch here; at least I've never seen Michelle post
here. Try dnsbl-users, the SORBS mailling list. From the google cache
of the Mailling Lists page --

"This list is an open list where the SORBS DNSbl may be discussed. If
it is about the SORBS DNSbl it is on topic (including questions on how
to configure mailers to use SORBS). Currently this list is quiet, un-
moderated, and anyone is free to join. Non-members of the list are not
permitted to send mail to the list.

For people who don't know the meaning of "confirmed opt-in" ("double
opt-in" as most spammers call it), subscribe to this list and you will
see how it works.

Subscription is performed by sending a message to:

I don't think they watch here; at least I've never seen Michelle post

I've had confirmation from Michelle personally this morning (following a
similar question elsewhere) that the SORBS systems are indeed
relocating. From a previous message to SPAM-L (reproduced with

Michelle Sullivan wrote:

SORBS is not closing. SORBS has received 3 credible offers for the
purchase of SORBS, one of which was not interested in continuing SORBS
but obtaining the IP and spamtraps. SORBS will not be accepting the
latter offer.

Currently the two offers being considered are with anti-spam vendors
and one of the two have indicated that they will not commercialise
SORBS, but keep it as a community project. The other anti-spam vendor
have indicated they would pursue a split commercial model, where there
would be a free service as well as a 'premium' service (how this would
work I do not know).

An announcement about which company is successful will be forthcoming
when necessary paperwork has been signed.

Small outages will occur in the central database when the servers are
moved, this will NOT affect SORBS services globally, only updates
(listing and delisting) and local (Au) services during the outages.

As inconvenient as this outage may be, the background to it is one with
which a large proportion of this list is probably bearing scars -
physical relocation.

On a related note, no I don't have any information as to who it is that
has taken SORBS on.



This should be redirected to the spam-l (preferable) or mailop
(possibly) mailing list, where your chances of paging someone
working in the DNSBL/RHSBL community are much better.
