Some thoughts on 240/4

Dear all,

Thanks to Vince for presenting at NANOG. Everyone should recognize by
now that this is a provocative topic. Even the authors of
draft-fuller-240space-00.txt do not altogether agree on what should
happen in the medium term. The one thing we do agree on, and we hope
you do to, is that the future is now, and that code changes need to
occur quickly if this space is to be useful for ANYTHING. I would agree
with the many people who have pointed out that there are a billion
devices out there, many of which might not ever understand
But this issue is complex. There are many possibilities and I believe
it requires a bit of study before the community jumps in with both feet
as to the best answer for this space.

By way of background, and you'll see why this becomes relevant later
down in this message, I am no fan of private address space, and less a
fan of NATs. I think both add complexity into an already complex
environment and should generally be avoided. I am a co-author of both
RFC 1617 and RFC 1918, so I have some idea bout what I am talking
about. I also have enough formal training in economics to know that the
issues surrounding are not simply a matter of computer
science, but not enough training to really help me drive to a conclusion
on the matter.

Having said all of this, let's talk about some possible uses for When doing so, let's ask three questions:

    * Who would benefit?
    * What effort is involved to realize the benefit?
    * What is the risk of not devoting the address space to this use?
    * Are there alternatives that would equally satisfy the need in this

Let's first suppose that or some portion of it is made
private. This is what draft-wilson-class-e-01.txt proposed. There are
two distinct groups who could potentially benefit from private address
space. Big cable providers require a substantial number of IP addresses
just for management purposes. As Alain has already pointed out, not
every provider would want to make use of this space, but rather simply
go to IPv6. Still, some might. The effort involved in making this
space useful would be a change to cable modems, CMTS hardware, and back
end systems that need to process the address. By comparison, many cable
modems and CMTSes already have an IPv6 capability for this purpose.
Only individual providers know who their vendors are and what their back
end systems look like in order to understand just how much work is
involved. The risk of not devoting address space to this use would be a
need for large providers to bite the bullet and deploy v6 for this
purpose (n.b., this says nothing of end user use). Another alternative
to would be to mark an additional /8 or two out of the OTHER remaining
unicast space (< as private.

Some large organizations are said to be running out of RFC 1918 space.
These organizations could benefit from some portion of 240/4 being
marked as private. The perceived benefit would be that it forestalls an
infrastructure upgrade to IPv6 that might require an out-of-cycle
depreciation hit. As a case and point, some account and billing systems
have knowledge of addresses, and the first provider to jump could end up
bearing the full brunt of the cost of the upgrade, while other providers
coast. This is the typical early adopter charge, when one finds oneself
on the left side of the Rogers Curve. Randy has spoken some to this
point, and could probably do so more eloquently than I. The problem
here is the effort required to realize the benefit. Because large
organizations have large amounts of hardware, large number of vendors to
interact with, and a large amount of management software, the cost of
using is likely to approach that of upgrading to IPv6.
Worse, if someone eats the cost of doing this, they will still need to
eat the cost of moving to IPv6 later, so this would be almost a double
hit. This says nothing of actual product development costs to remove
the few lines of code that mark as a martian. Another
alternative to would be to mark an additional /8 or two out of the OTHER
remaining unicast space (< as private, as no code changes
would be necessary. I believe someone already mentioned this on the list.

As you heard at NANOG, Dino, Vince, Scott, and many others, including
myself, are investigating LISP. Another potential use of this address
space would be as RLOC space. To remind you, this would be essentially
PA space that is only seen in the network core. If widely deployed,
this would free up space outside the 240/4 block for other uses. The
effort to deploy as RLOC space would be roughly similar to our first use
case, except it will depend on what transition mechanisms are made
available. If as a matter of transition, the entire Internet has to
understand 240.0.0/4 in their FIBs and RIBs, that in itself may require
an upgrade of some software EVERYWHERE. An alternative would be to use
IPv6 address space or to continue to use IPv4 blocks as providers do
today. This use really bridges between public and private addressing,
although the astute might argue that a little public is like being a
little pregnant.

So let's talk about public use cases. If the IANA were to simply
allocate these addresses out after a time the way they do today, the
benefit would be to push out the run-out date by about 10 months. This
would require every public system on the Internet to upgrade. The
alternatives here are complex. One could move to IPv6, or use multiple
layers of NAT (although gamers would find this highly objectionable).
Arguably this where we all stand up and in a grand chorus say, "There is
no Plan B to IPv6". But here is the case for completeness' sake.

This leaves one final possible use. There can be no doubt that a market
exists today for IP address space. It is simply a black market. There
have been discussions on mailing lists such as PPML and in other forums
of what happens if a market is structured for IP address space. Putting
aside whether you believe this to be a good idea or a bad idea, should
it happen, the possibility of speculation to drive up prices would be
something that we would have to contend with. Having a big block of
addresses concentrated in some authority could well dissuade the use of
the IP address market for generating capital gain. The transition to
IPv6 will be bumpy enough without speculators. To say there are many
complex issues with this case would be a MASSIVE understatement. First
of all, it has many if not all of the problems of the previous case. It
could be that the addresses are made usable to some portion of upgraded
equipment, and that this would be sufficient to ward off speculators.
Also, the network effect and IPv6 *could* represent a price cap that
further deters speculators. The risk, however, of not considering
this use could be a very serious disruption to those who are least able
to move to IPv6. Consider for the moment any industry that requires
certification of their devices. That will take a while. In such
circumstances, a firm cannot simply move. And there are shades of gray
here. It might well be that portions of a firm are moved to IPv6 and
portions remain on v4. This will depend on service provider offerings
and vendor tool sets.

So. There are mine. You probably have others you would add to the
list. I think I can speak for Vince and Dave when I say that we should
consider these cases as we are actually removing from our
bogon filters, because it's all academic if we don't change our code now.

We'll be talking more about this at the IETF in Vancouver in the
int-area meeting.


In a message written on Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 10:20:43AM +0200, Eliot Lear wrote:

So. There are mine. You probably have others you would add to the
list. I think I can speak for Vince and Dave when I say that we should
consider these cases as we are actually removing from our
bogon filters, because it's all academic if we don't change our code now.

I have avoided the longer thread, so I thought replying to yours
might be a better option.

I think the discussion of what to do with is premature.
We need to get the code fixed, that is the most important item at
this time. When we get closer to needing we can evaluate
at that time how much of the code has been fixed, and what the risk
is to deployment. By the time we need it we may find 95% of the
devices have been fixed, or we may find 5%. The problem is we
neither know the timeframe in which we need it, nor do we know how
fast vendors can get it fixed.

In order to have the most options I applaud Vince for running this
through the IETF, and I would ask everyone on this list to make it
a checklist item for your very next vendor meeting. This is a small
change, vendors will make it, but only if customers ask for it.
Ask for patched software today and we'll be much better off tomorrow.

OK, everybody who thinks 240/4 is a Good Idea:

How much ship date slip for the IPv6 features you need are you willing to
accept when 240/4 updates blow the schedule?

You can have all the IPv6 features you asked for on date X, or you can have
it all plus 240/4 on date <X+N days>. What value of N are you willing to

Why would the 240/4 updates blow the schedule?

I ask this for two reasons:

1) The majority of the machines that need to be fixed are not run
   by the ISP. The real issue here is Microsoft, Apple, DLink,
   Linksys, Netgear and so on. They can ship patches without a lot
   of ISP involvement.

2) The change in this case has been documented to be excessively
   minimal. Patches for FreeBSD and Linux have been produced, and
   I believe both are under 5 lines. They consist of removing something
   to the effect:

   if (240/4)
      error ("Not allowed to be used yet.");

   There's no new code in 99% of the platforms, there's just removing
   the "IANA hasn't told us how it will be used" message and, I
   guess for completeness retesting. It will take longer for most
   vendors to have the meeting to decide it's the right thing to
   do than to do it.

So while ISP's push forward on the IPv6 front, Microsoft, Apple and
others can push out this change via normal software update mechanisms.
I'm not seeing why one has any real impact on the other. Later we
can evaluate success and see if it can be used.

More code, more regression testing, same number of programmers. Do the math.

Take it as a given that it *will* slip the schedule some amount, because
the resources for a 240/4 feature will have to come from somewhere. So
how much slippage are you willing to accept?

> Why would the 240/4 updates blow the schedule?

More code, more regression testing, same number of programmers. Do the math.

Less code, every patch produced to date /removes/ code.

More regression testing, same number of programmes, ok.

Take it as a given that it *will* slip the schedule some amount, because
the resources for a 240/4 feature will have to come from somewhere. So
how much slippage are you willing to accept?

Ok, I'll accept a month slippage in IPv6 "features". (What are we still
waiting on, anyway?)

I also believe that's also about 29 more days than most vendors
should need to do the job.


We need to get the code fixed, that is the most important item at
this time.

This is absolutely true. The purpose of my note was to provide an
understanding of why we're splitting the process into two by
demonstrating that picking the correct use requires more work. Each of
the possible uses I described require much more detail and
understanding. We can gain that understanding as we're changing our
code since the uses are ALL unicast.


I would ask everyone on this list to make it a checklist item for your very next vendor meeting.

This always helps. It would also help if you made your opinions known
to "", where this discussion continues.\



More code, more regression testing, same number of programmers. Do the math.

Take it as a given that it *will* slip the schedule some amount, because
the resources for a 240/4 feature will have to come from somewhere. So
how much slippage are you willing to accept?
Let's not go too far here. As Vince pointed out, the work required is
fairly minimal. It's not nothing. Particularly in IOS we do a parser
check for Bogons, and this is done in other platforms as well. But
still- the code involved is typically removing an entry from one or
several tables. Regression will vary by platform, but that usually
isn't done on a feature by feature case, and so the costs are not linear
as you suggest.


The fun is trying to prove you in fact nailed *every* reference. Notice
the mention today of an Ubuntu box that had different results for adding
a route and binding an IP to an interface. Obviously, it's more than a
one-line tweak, it's a one-line tweak in an unknown number of places.

Bind a 240/4 address to an interface? Set a route? Set a *default* route?
H.323 NAT code that grovels around inside the packets? The list goes on...

And of course, you *do* need to regression test - just in case somebody's
code does something insane like define an array [0..239] because they "know"
that 240..255 Can Never Happen because there's the one-line check - that you
just removed.

Quite frankly, I'd be leery of running *any* code from a vendor that actually
thinks that 30 days is probably 29 too many.

Take it as a given that it *will* slip the schedule some
amount, because the resources for a 240/4 feature will have
to come from somewhere. So how much slippage are you willing
to accept?

OK, assuming on the order of 5 lines of code, let's allow 1 day for
meetings to decide to do this, one day to change the code and get the
change signed off, and 1 day to do regression testing. That makes a
total of 3 days slippage for IPv6 features in the worst case. Earlier in
the thread we were told that releasing 240/4 could only buy us an extra
year of time. Let's assume that was overly optimistic and it will only
buy one twelfth of that, i.e. an extra month before IPv4 exhaustion.

Seems to me that spending 3 days to get back 30 days is a very
profitable proposition.

Clearly, slippage of IPv6 features is not a problem and it is not a
problem precisely because the proposal is to release these 240/4
addresses to have exactly the same default unicast behavior as the
majority of the IPv4 space.

--Michael Dillon

P.S. I hope that the issues discussed on this thread will be picked up
by the authors of draft-fuller because I think there is enough here to
make an update to the draft worthwhile.

This depends highly on your OS and the quality of your previous code.

Now that I'm back at my home computer, I was able to find the FreeBSD
patch (and, I'm actually fairly sure there's a more offical one,
from a FreeBSD core team member floating around now), which I don't
think has been circulated before. I posted it originally on the
ARIN PPML mailing list, and Mr Vixie made a small correction.

My post:
Vixie's correction:

And actually, after reflection with some other people I think the
correct thing to do is keep the IN_EXPERIMENTAL macro as is, and
make IN_BADCLASS return 0.

Some people have been looking at FreeBSD and this fixes the kernel
and virtually all of the OS utilities (I won't say all, because I
don't know that they have all been tested).

But back to your original response. I find it offensive to suggest
this should make IPv6 features "slip". If this change impacts
time lines for a vendor I would expect they would pull something
much less important than IPv6 support in order to make it happen.
The better a job a vendor has done doing things like the FreeBSD
folks have with macros and the like, the simpler the change is to

What we need in this case is for vendors to make the change sooner
rather than later, so we have a high probability of having it when
we need it. While the resource impact is not zero, I strongly
suggest that sending a message to a vendor that we're willing to
wait years for this change, or that they can put off supporting
IPv6 if they offer up this feature is the wrong message to send to

They need to follow their internal processes, change it, and do it
right. There's no excuse in this case for that to have impact on
major features like IPv6 support; and only minimal excuse for it
to impact minor features. This change has no impact on IPv6, so they
should be able to do this in parallel with different resources.

If we want to be ready when the time comes we all need to send the
right messages to our vendors. Pick the time line your comfortable
with, 3 months; 6 months; a year and tell them after that you won't
purchase code without this fix. My point here is that when you
pick that time line don't feel bad for your vendor giving them 6 or
12 months, it's plenty of time to do the work at hand.