So why don't US citizens get this?

We do its called FIOS.

well... hard to tell...

Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not trusted.

  that said, can I get FIOS w/o any other
  Verizon crap? I just want the fiber transport
  to an exchange... want my own ISP/peering, not
  theirs. They wont sell it.


Hello Bill ,

well... hard to tell...

Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not trusted.

  that said, can I get FIOS w/o any other
  Verizon crap? I just want the fiber transport
  to an exchange... want my own ISP/peering, not
  theirs. They wont sell it.


   Anyone find a 'Commodity' seller of IP connectivity that will provide that ?I haven't in a Number of years now .
   Imo , it appears to be company cowardice . But then again alot can go wrong even if you filter correctly .
   But I'd really like to find a provider that 'Can' . Just like the little train .
     Twyal , JimL

well... hard to tell...

Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not trusted.

        that said, can I get FIOS w/o any other
        Verizon crap? I just want the fiber transport
        to an exchange... want my own ISP/peering, not
        theirs. They wont sell it.


[Sorry to bring this back towards the topic at hand, but....]

  that said, can I get FIOS w/o any other
  Verizon crap? I just want the fiber transport
  to an exchange... want my own ISP/peering, not
  theirs. They wont sell it.

  Anyone find a 'Commodity' seller of IP connectivity that will provide that ?I haven't in a Number of years now .
  Imo , it appears to be company cowardice . But then again alot can go wrong even if you filter correctly .
  But I'd really like to find a provider that 'Can' . Just like the little train .

First, I should say that I am not defending VZ or any other company.

However, I don't think it's fair to claim VZ sells FIOS and therefore should also sell dark. The two items are vastly different services. I seriously doubt "cowardice" is stopping VZ from giving bill fiber. Hell, they'd likely make a LOT more money off selling him dark than selling him FIOS.

There are lots of providers in major metros (where I know bill lives) that sell things like 10 Mbps point-to-point circuits. But dark fiber is frequently hard to come by even between two telco hotels in the same city. Asking for dark fiber from $RANDOM_HOUSE to, well, anywhere, that's going to be just a little out of the ordinary.

So if you want to complain about something, complain about something reasonable. Lord knows the telecos have given us enough targets.

I gather that the company providing FIOS is an unreg subsidiary, and a
CLEC, and therefore doesn't have to *sell* you transport, voice or
data. How they get to be in the wire centers, I'm not clear, though i
understand they are.

I *do* have the FIOS Tampa and National NOC phone numbers, if anyone
needs them; the St Pete Times did a piece on them when they first
rolled out, and were indelicate enough to use a high-res pic of their
warroom as the lede, with the numbers clearly readable. :slight_smile:

-- jra